River Information 2015
Information on river conditions, catches etc.
What's New:
Letting Updates
Online Bookings are now available here.
GS Declaration Form
Click on the above link to download the GS Anglers Declaration Form

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Turriff Bridge Webcam
Webcam located at the Turriff bridge is now live. To view either click
,or click the 'Turriff Bridge' icon in the Webcam
Welcome to 2015
Salmon and Sea-trout season- 11 February 2015 to 31 October
Brown trout season 15 March to 6 October Inclusive.
We can now offer tuition to anglers on a one to one or group basis from a
fully qualified instructor.
Learn to Spey cast, cover that spot where fish are -but is always just out
of reach or just brush up on your skills.
We can arrange it for you or if your beat gillie has no objections it can be
done on your beat at a time to suit you.
Please ring Frank on 01888 562428 to book a slot- it will improve your
We can also provide shooting instruction for both rifle and shotgun-
again from a fully qualified instructor- again contact us if interested.
We have some interesting developments in this area so keep looking back for
the exciting news -hopefully around March/April time.
Follow Us On
Update 16 October 2015
With a couple of weeks left the river has began to yield a few decent
fish. A rise in levels last week and this have seen a few more fish being
caught on some beats and Castle Water Huntly, Avochie and Upper Netherdale
all reported fish with each beat also landing an 18 lb fish.
To cap it all this week Craig Wyness caught and landed a fish of 30.5 on a
size 12 fly.
Update 5 October 2015
Conditions and the fishing remain a challenge.
We continue to be predominately dry and any rises in levels drop away very
August 25 saw a rise in levels to just over two feet . By The next day this
was down to plus 9 inches and a few fish were caught , mainly in the middle
and upper river as the fish moved upstream.
Kinnairdy, Stobiehaugh and Netherdale picked away with fish to 12lb. A few
fresh grilse were tempted in by the Thursday and lower beats picked up a few
but most fish caught were coloured.
Boat of Turtory reported a fish of 22lb and this would be the front runner
for the Morison Trophy.
September opened with a few fish throughout the river being reported but
with low levels it was hard work. September 3rd was the best day of the week
and a fish of 16lb was reported off Mountblairy.
Friday opened with the river rising after rain in the high hill and it
peaked at two feet.
Northerly gales saw huge breakers at the river mouth and in effect fish in
the system moved up and nothing fresh came in from the sea due to conditions
and the lower river suffered. Beats further up did well with Mayen,
Coniecleugh all reporting fish. Castle Water Huntly landed over 20 fish- a
mix of sea-trout and salmon and as many lost in two days – the best being a
14lb sea-trout.
Week of September 7 saw upper beats have no water left and the fish gone
through and lower beats began to pick away with clean fish making an
appearance . Turriff reported a salmon at 18lb Ferry Cottage and waterside
Lodge at Upper Netherdale reported two salmon at 14lb and many other beats
saw grilse catches close to being in double figures for the week.
As we continue through September things have gone off the boil for most and
beats are reporting single figure catches for the last few weeks. As
September ends and October begins cloudless skies and temperatures of 23
degrees have set in . Overnight temperatures are in low single digits so
fishing first thing is the best option, or wait until the sun gets lower and
a few fish have come off between 5 and 6pm.
There are also a few fish coming off between 20 and 23 lb but they are
rather black. Cleaner fish seem to be around the 13lb mark.
The forecast is for some more rain in the next few days so with the crop off
we should see some more water reach the river.
Update 5 August 2015
Despite three rises in water- over the last three weeks conditions
continue to be challenging on the Salmon front. Sea-trout are still around
and are coming off to 4lb on many beats. A few salmon are around on the
middle to higher beats as the increased water has allowed some movement
within the river. I was away at the CLA last week and do not have all the
reports in yet but one fresh salmon at 12 lb came off Upper Netherdale
and two grilse and two salmon came off Corniehaugh. A visitor at Turriff
landed a sea-trout and lost a grilse at around 5lb.
I have some late availability as follows-
Corniehaugh- 6 rods week of 28 September
12 October
26 October.
This beat comes with a gillie and a boat (its double bank) and is only £48
per rod day and accommodation can be taken at
www.theoldsteadings.com if
Upper Netherdale Ferry Cottage 4 rods week of 18
week of 25 October
This beat is offered out for these weeks as an encouragement at rent the
cottage and two rods and get the other two rods free- enquire for details.
Montcoffer week 10 August
week 17 August
Again Gillie is around to help and it has two rods only each week at £400
per rod.
Mountblairy Week 9 August 2 rods
and cottage
Week 4 October 2 rods and cottage
Week 25 October 4 rods and two cottages.
Muiresk Week 14 September
3 rods and cottage
Avochie Week 19 October
Week 26 October
A Flat is available if required. The fishing is for up to 5 rods and cost is
£336 per week per rod.
All the above is prime stuff and remember despite poor runs last year and so
far this year over 1000 salmon came off the Deveron in the last two months
last year.
Update 28 July 2015
Cancellations now make MUIRESK available for 3 rods and a cottage week 24
August and week 14 September.
Update 25 July 2015
July kicked off with a few fresh salmon around including a 10lb sea-licer
off Muiresk. Week of July 6th saw most beats below Turriff continue to land
sea-trout around the 4lb mark. Wednesday saw a rise in levels to just over a
foot and upper beats began to see more fish. Castle water Huntly saw grilse
on the Wednesday at 5lb and by Thursday with levels holding around a foot at
Turriff, Avochie landed five sea-trout to 4lb and lost nine. They also
returned a 3lb Brown Trout. Upper Netherdale saw 4 sea-trout come off in two
hours and by Friday Upper Netherdale took more sea-trout ,Marnoch
Lodge had a 10lb salmon and Junior angler Chloe Totten landed her very first
fish- a 5 lb grilse. Once landed and released the very next cast yielded
another grilse of a similar weight.
The week of 13 July was a little slower for lower beats but Forglen landed a
few sea-trout and a 12 lb salmon by mid week. Most beats reported around 5
fish for the week – a mixture of sea-trout and grilse with an odd salmon
amongst them. Heavy rain on Friday July 17 up in the catchment saw a 2 foot
flash flood come down the river and it was extremely dirty.
The dirt was still in the system by Monday 20th when levels were back to
normal or just below. This week has been extremely challenging for most as
fish in the system were able to run up river but a few grilse have been
caught. Salmon are absent and there are no signs of any fish arriving as
On a more positive note it looks like the coastal nets will be prohibited in
Scotland after this season so they will no longer be blamed for any lack of
fish. We have had a great run of sea-trout this season and now looking for a
three foot rise to bring in some salmon to set us up for the back end .
Update 30 June 2015
The Deveron is often referred to as a “hidden gem”—I think we could say
after this June it is a forgotten gem. Our river levels for most of the
month have remained between normal and 6 inches below but this has not
deterred the fish. Overall our salmon numbers are not the greatest but they
are coming off in steady numbers in the 8-10lb bracket. The sea-trout
numbers are much better this year as are the returns despite many beats
lying empty or half let.
Week of June 8 saw the arrival of them in numbers and 6 rods fishing Eden
recorded 29 for the week- and the onset of Northerly winds on Thursday put a
stop to the catches.
Christoph and Steff Lucke caught sea-trout and salmon at Mayen , Laithers
recorded sea-trout and Grilse. The following week the catches continued and
Lower Netherdale recorded a 12lb salmon amongst the sea-trout catches.
With a small rise in levels Monday/Tuesday 22-23 June grilse and salmon made
their way up river and Marnoch, Kinnairdy and Muiresk all posted returns.
Kinnairdy saw three salmon to 8lb landed and as many lost in a couple of
hours. Upper Netherdale saw three sea-trout from 3-8lb landed in two hours
on Friday, Eden saw some grilse to 4lb and up river saw reports of one beat
landing eight sea-trout and one grilse up until Wednesday.
The week ended with some localised rises in water and this continued over
the weekend with Turriff opening at around 9 inches above on Monday- some
places up river were less but it moved a few fish and despite some colour
Dunlugas posted 2 sea-trout, Muiresk an 8lb Salmon, Laithers lost a salmon
and landed 2 sea-trout and a grilse in two hours to one rod and Lower
Netherdale saw 4 salmon and 5 sea-trout to 4lb.
Despite only half let for the month, Montcoffer has had its best June in 20
years and those anglers who are here on the other beats are not going away
with a blank week
Hopefully this trend can continue into July. We have been pretty
cold—coldest June for 40 years but this week is looking like the heat will
arrive- at least we had some water right before it to help with the fishing.
There is fishing available throughout the season on both a weekly and daily
basis— we are trying to get to grips with our new booking system but please
ring for the up to date information.
Wrack, Montcoffer and Eden have slots in July and August, Upper Netherdale
have slots in July, August and October. Mountblairy have cottages and rods
in July, September and October, Marnoch have rods up until August, Kinnairdy
and Euchrie has rods until August. The manse pool has rods right through the
season, Avochie has some availability until end July and then some rods in
September and October.
Castle Water Huntly has rods available weekly or daily right through the
season- and August saw them record their best sea-trout catch in ten years
last year.
Update 5 June 2015
As April ended we had up to 7 inches of snow on Sunday 26- about the only
white stuff we had seen all winter. As this melted we had a rise of around 8
This brought us or at least stirred up some fish and as we entered May the
river went up again to just over a foot. Salmon came off the middle and
Higher river.
Monday May 4 saw levels at 1 foot nine inches and dirty and by Wednesday we
were at three feet. As this fell again the higher river caught fish.
Things went quiet for a week and we thought that after 3 feet of water any
fish would be in and that there were obviously none to come.
Week of 18 May saw a few 8lb fish off on the Monday and on Tuesday the lower
river produced a few fish to 17lb and a few sea-trout to 5lb began to come
Again the last week of May saw more sea-trout and a steady number of salmon
to 10lb coming off .
As we enter June the whole river would appear to have salmon and sea-trout.
Sea- liced fish are coming off from Banff to Huntly . Salmon are around 8-10
lb but some are coming off at 3-4lb.
Sea-trout are around the 4lb mark.
As stated before we do have less anglers on and many beats are standing
empty on past failure at this time of year but in general we have more fish
now than we have had at this time of year for about 5 years. Indeed the
Sea-trout last year was up and many of the prime beats and weeks were
not fished for them- it will be the same this year.
There are beats available through out the remainder of the season – some of
them prime weeks and if the fish run continues they should fish well. I also
have a few deals and offers available on some weeks but you will need to
ring me for the up to date ones. However I can say that Ferry Cottage at
Upper Netherdale is offering incentives for those booking weeks in July and
Update 25 April 2015
The season got off to a slow start and it has just about ground to a halt as April draws to a close.
River levels opened around one foot three inches and fluctuated between 1 foot and one foot 8 inches through February and into early March.
The first fish came off Lower Netherdale around March 5 and weighed 8 lb. Another couple of fish came off around 14-16 March from up river and middle river beats.
As we entered April we were on about 5 fish and the best fish of the season so far came off Marnoch at 12 covered in sea lice on April 3rd.
As April progressed levels fell to around normal and hovered around that mark until reaching four inches below normal by the end of the month.
Total salmon catch stands around 10 for the season so far--- and looks like the worst start to a season since records began in 1952.
With low water and temperatures reaching 20 degrees C along with poor salmon runs on other rivers doom and gloom prevails and anglers have simply not gone fishing.
In fact compared to 2014 we have lost 181 salmon anglers fishing day tickets this year to date.
However we have seen some fantastic trout being taken on a regular basis. These fish are coming off to 4lb on a regular basis and the amount of fish between 1 and 2 pound is phenomenal .
The number of trout anglers fishing the Deveron has increased from 13 in 2013 to 43 in 2015 and May is still to come- traditionally the better month.
We can only hope we see some substantial rain to give us a hope of some salmon during May. It has happened before so everything is crossed.
You can keep up to date with pictures and information on our Twitter and Facebook pages.
Update 23 April 2015
Update 11 February 2015
Opening day saw a bright and crisp start. Temperatures were around –4
degrees C at day break. The river was running clear at one foot six inches
and the sun shone all day.
Mr Craig brown – former Scotland football manager (longest serving) and past
Aberdeen FC manager was our official guest for the day along with the
Aberdeen FC Community Trust.
Once again kind sponsors of the day were John Dewar's- through their William
Lawson's Brand and ourselves at Turriff Tackle provided the Vision Rod for
Mr Adam Woodward who collected the Morison trophy for the heaviest fish
caught and returned on fly last year. ( est. at 22lb from Marnoch Lodge).
Mr Hay River Board Chairman opened the proceedings and then handed over to
Mr Brown to present the trophy to Adam. After I presented the rod the crowd
were piped down to the river where Mr Brown blessed the river with a 25 yr
old malt and Adam took the first cast.
Update 6 February 2015
Welcome to another season. Let us hope it is better than the last
However it is not all doom and gloom. Yes we have had; along with most other
rivers in Europe a couple of bad seasons- but the best four seasons ever
recorded on the Deveron have been in the last 10 years. Not only that- we
along with the Tweed are the only river to up our ten year average. Twenty
years ago it stood around 2200 and today that 10 year average has risen to
around 3200. That may be no consolation if you have a poor week but
puts a different perspective on the angling.
You will see on our site( should be live by 11 Feb) that we now have an
online booking system for day tickets and weekly bookings. This will
be updated as required and you can still book by telephone and in person in
the shop if you wish or do not have a PayPal account. It just offers you the
customer another option when booking your fishing.
Over the Winter we have set up another string to our bow – 3T Sporting
- most of our customers know us obviously for Fishing Tackle and Trophies-
it is in our name- but the shooting side of our business has now overtaken
the fishing and many people in the wider area do not know we sell Cartridges
, Ammunition and Firearms. This name should help in this regard. This also
covers the huge increase in clay pigeon events that we organise and run and
we are proud to be the supplier of this service to the all new-- First
in Scotland ladies shooting club—GLAD RAGS AND CARTRIDGE BAGS.
Most of our fishing availability is now up- there is more than usual and
some really excellent weeks available—at Mountblairy in June through to
October , Wrack in September and Upper Netherdale in August indeed have a
look you might get a surprise that the beat and time of year you thought was
dead mans shoes might just be available. Online booking of
lets is also now available , these can be viewed and selected
May I wish you all tight lines for the season .
Craig Brown CBE to open Deveron
The Deveron, Bogie & Isla Rivers Charitable Trust is delighted to announce
the opening of the river Deveron salmon season 2015 and the presentation of
the Morison Trophy on 11th February.
The trophy will be presented at the river opening ceremony at 10am, Turriff
AA lodge, Turriff - the river opening ceremony in association with William
Lawson’s (Macduff) will follow. The Morison Trophy will be officially
presented by special guest, Mr Craig Brown CBE, the longest serving manager
of the Scottish national football team (1993-2001), leading the team to both
the European championship in 1996 and World cup 1998 and currently a
Non-Executive Director of Aberdeen FC. Mr Brown has also been given the
honour of blessing the river with a dram of Glen Deveron 25 years old ,
where thereafter the first cast of the season will be taken by Mr Adam
Woodward, winner of the Morison Trophy for 2014.