Upper Netherdale and carnousie
Information on Upper Netherdale and Carnousie
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Upper Netherdale and Carnousie Fishing's
Carnousie - Online Booking
Ferry Cottage - Online Booking
This is one of the Prime destinations On the River and indeed Scotland with the luxurious accommodation on offer.
Superior Accommodation is provided in a lodge with 4 rods sleeping 12 or a cottage with 4 rods sleeping up to 7 .
Waterside Lodge
Lounge at Waterside Lodge
Kitchen at Waterside Lodge.
Ferry Cottage
Sitting Room at Ferry Cottage ( now been re-decorated)
The fishings on these beats are fished on a rotational basis changing over daily at 1pm. Upper Netherdale is split into two beats and Carnousie makes up the third.
Upper Netherdale has 2.5 miles of double bank fishing and 11 named pools. Carnousie has 0.75 miles of single bank fishing and has five named pools. The Netherdale fishings has 4 rods on each beat and Carnousie has 3-4 depending on water levels. All beats have excellent fishing huts and good access roads.. Some walking is required to reach the furthest pools.
These beats have been under syndication under previous owners and have never been weekly let. The catch figures were collated by the new owners for 2006 and are available on a weekly total basis. However as you will all be aware it may mean nothing. In 2006 a particular week produced 11 fish and in 2007 over 40 . The total yearly catch for the two beats in 2006 was 284.
The Inverkiethny fishings have been bought and added to the Upper Netherdale fishings which gives the extra half mile double bank and adding their total catch gives 320 fish for the year. These figures have been maintained over the last few years although 2009's were a bit lower in line with the Rest of Scotland. 2010 has seen the return of the Renowned Deveron sea-trout run which used to average 2000 fish for the river with a peak of 3000 fish. These have returned during 2010 and they weigh between 3 and 5 lb.
Fishing is preferably by fly only but spinning is allowed in high water at the Gillies discretion. Fishing can be done from the bank and deep wading is not necessary. The Deveron is not a wide river and 13 ' to 14 ' rods are sufficient to cover the water. Single handed rods can be used for sea-trout and grilse but remember that fish will run to 40 lb.
Waterside lodge at Carnousie provides excellent accommodation in two converted cottages overlooking the Carnousie beat.
These cottages have been extensively refurbished to provide one single house with sitting room, kitchen/dining room and four en suite bedrooms . In addition there is a single en suite room for a cook or additional guest. At the rear of the lodge is a detached rod room which houses drying facilities, deep freeze, larder storage and a separate games room. On the first floor there is a study with full internet connection.
Waterside Lounge.
Landing Waterside Lodge.
room Ferry Cottage.
Both properties are available separately on a self catering basis inclusive of linen and towels.
A gillie service is provided and given notice a cook can be provided if required at additional cost.
Please contact Frank on 01888 562428 for availability and any further information or check the availability page on this site.