River Information 2010
Information on river conditions, catches etc.
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Welcome to 2010
Salmon and Sea-trout season- 11 February 2010 to 31 October inclusive.
Brown trout season 15 March to 6 October Inclusive.
As we head into another decade we hope the improvements in catches continue.
2008 had our best ever recorded catch since 1952. This was closely followed by 2004 and 2007.
Unfortunately 2009 was not such a good season but it looks like it will reach the 10 year average of around 3100 salmon but obviously down nearly 50 % on 2008.
Not only have we had record catches but also record floods. The flood in September 2009 was around 21 foot above normal level and the one in November 2009 was nearly 23 ft above normal.
This has resulted in massive damage to river bed and banks. It will take this season anyway to assess damage and try to put things back in some sort of order. Already at the tail of 2009 beats have spent tens of thousands of pounds restoring roads and river banks. The projected work in the pipeline is a huge amount and will begin as soon as water levels allow.
Spring salmon continue to be a problem in the way of numbers. The Voluntary code remains unchanged at a max of three a week and only one per day. However we are looking for at least an 85 % return rate and a side of smoked salmon will be available from the River Trust to all those fish returned before 31 May. You can register this with me at Turriff Tackle and I can organise it for you. The rest of the code is unchanged at two salmon per day and only two sea-trout per week and none over 3lb.
Opening day ceremony.
For 2010 this will be held at Turriff Angling Association at 10 am. There is free fishing on the Association water for all those who turn up- register at Turriff Tackle.
Morison Trophy
This new trophy will be awarded to the angler who catches the largest fish off the river each year. We usually see a few fish in the 30 lb category so remember to have your camera and tape measure if you are returning your catch. When I get a picture of it I will post it up for all to see.
Prizes and details are being organised at the moment. Again details will be posted when available.
For us at Turriff Tackle we will continue to provide tackle for your needs. We are main dealers for Rio and Vision and these products offer superb quality for the money. Rio have added to their selection of shooting heads in sinking densities and have a new range of polyleaders. All available from February. Our Open day (in June hopefully) continues to be a winner. The casting instructors have fairly sorted out some of the locals and they can now Spey cast as well as use shooting heads and skagit lines. Guideline products are also available with Le Cie and LPXe rods always popular.
Our sea fishing range is ever expanding and will continue to do so this year. This along with our shooting side of the business now goes on all year.
Update 2 December 2010.
The Deveron, Bogie and Isla Rivers Trust AGM will be on 15 December 2010 at 6.30 pm in Buckleys' Castle Street Turriff.
I also have some early availability for Sea-Trout fishing in 2011 I will have a new 2011 page up in due course but Mountblairy has 2 Rods and a cottage w/c 20 May. 2 rods and a cottage w/c 5 June. 2rods and a cottage w/c 12 June., 2 rods only w/c 26 June and 2 rods and a cottage w/c 3 July. Ring me if interested. These were un-let last year and the people fishing on a "day" ticket at night had a great time with the sea-trout. These were prime rods and if the sea-trout are back to stay they will be again.
Update 31 October 2010.
WOW ! What a finish.
Wednesday 20 saw us rise to the ground white with hail at lower levels and snow on the high hills. and the river was two foot and dirty. Friday 22 saw levels rise to over three feet and the last week opened at two feet eight inches . It saw a three inch rise on Wednesday which all dropped way on Friday only to see the river up five inches to one foot five on the last day and then rise and colour up during the day to peak at two foot one inch during Saturday. Now to the fish.
Despite fluctuating levels we really have experienced a huge run of fish in the last two weeks. Now - not all beats caught many fish and some even saw very few- but they were there and what is even more pleasing was that by the last few days more clean fish were seen and caught than red fish..
Basically beats below Turriff really struggled to catch and one angler had only seen three fish all week when he rang me on the River bank on the last Friday. I saw ten times as many fish as he had seen- during the conversation- and most of these were silver fish. Sea-liced fish were caught so they were still coming off the tides but obviously were not showing or stopping on lower beats. A few fish were of decent size say 16- 24lb but most were 3-10lb. It looks like the grilse run is still in full swing as we close and the back end run has yet to arrive- unless the grilse had decent feeding and the multi -winter sea fish did not !!. Names are too many to mention but if you did have a cracking time please let me know as I am sure you would all like to read something on here during the winter. Mr. Mickley at Turtory had another great time ( it is worth me posting his dates next year as he always seems to come on a great "catching" week ) For two rods they posted 20 salmon to 21 lb and caught a sea-trout of 15.5lb. Some fish. J Dewar landed 4 to 10lb and G Dewar 4 to 16lb one morning and on the same Turriff Posted at least ten to 20lb.
That was to be surpassed on Saturday when Turriff posted over 30 for the day. We had a rise to nearly four feet on the last Sunday but Monday saw catches continue and Avochie posted 10 , the Leonard party landed a 24lb fish to kick off their week at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie and Kinnairdy landed a 24lb fish on Wednesday .
As stated earlier I have never seen so many clean fish running in the last few days and it is not as if we have had a long drought keeping the river low- far from it. To illustrate the point I would like to mention the Turriff Angling Association. In the last two weeks of the season they landed over 100 salmon and Grilse and in the last week 35 of these were sea-liced. And for the record only 12 out of the over 100 were kept.
As I get some more information I will post it up . Meanwhile keep looking in as there really are some exciting things happening from December through to May next year and it may be worth your while buying Trout and Salmon Magazine from December issue onwards for the information - but I will keep you all posted on hear as and when I can reveal things.
In the meantime Get your diary for 2011 and INK in the opening day ceremony at Turriff. After last years success with numbers it will be bigger and better than last year and we would like to see as many people there as possible on the 11 February.
Update 19 October 2010.
Thursday 7 October saw levels at 11 inches and clear. Turriff produced fish and the Bess Party landed 7 to 18lb further down river. I returned two at 3 and 13lb on Friday giving me 14 fish in eight outings. Saturday saw the totals begin to come in. D Plumpton landed six for his week with the biggest at 18lb. I will not mention names but three beats reported 43, 55 and 106. An absolutely fantastic week and most of these all on the fly. By Monday 11 October we were at 7 inches above normal and running clear. The fish continued to come off but in lesser numbers. One angler had five to 11lb in two days on the fly .Up River Avochie saw J Gourlay take two at 8 and 12lb - both returned on Thursday. Heavy rain showers on Friday saw the river rising on Saturday and combined with high tides a few sea-liced fish put in an appearance and J Jack landed fish of 16 and 10 lb at Upper Netherdale . By Monday 18 October levels were down to 7 inches again but fish still came to the fly with one angler reporting 4 for his day to 13lb . Many fish so far this week have been fresh and would have entered the river at the end of last week. We have had showers of rain and hail overnight and the river has began to rise again today. Hopefully we will not get too much and that the fish will continue to co-operate for one more week.
Update 7 October 2010.
Wednesday 29 September saw levels at 1 foot 5 inches and clear . A 23 Lb fish came off Muiresk and a 16lb fish off Mountblairy to M Willis. The day was very wet and windy from lunchtime and the river was at four feet six and very dirty on Thursday. Friday saw it down to two feet but more rain saw it back up to three feet on Saturday . As the new week started we got a count of the catches for the previous week. Many beats had fantastic figures despite loosing three days to the spate. Some beats recorded over 50 for the week - all on the fly and some had over 20 for a single day - again all on the fly. J Wilkie landed a 17 lb fish at Turriff and M Willis and J Carrick returned most of their fish out of over twenty for the week. Monday 4 October saw levels at 1 foot 6 inches and some beats picked up where they left off last week but others had come to a halt. There were plenty of fish running and jumping in the pools but they were not to be tempted. R Breakell had five to 11 lb for his day and Mr. M Judge returned a 23 lb fish at Kinnairdy. Levels on Tuesday were at 1 foot 3 inches and are dropping just 3 inches per day at the moment. Turriff is producing fish to C Wyness and the Ironside father and son team are getting a share as well. It is slower than last week but plenty sea-liced fish are coming off the tide . I must also report that a 9lb Brown trout has been electro fished and is in the Hatchery and another 9lb Brownie was caught by Mr. A Watt last week.
As we approach the shooting season may I remind you we stock Winchester, Remington and Federal Ammunition as well as Gamebore Cartridges. Tikka, Sako and CZ Rifles along with Beretta shotguns. We have clothing by Deerhunter , Whitewater and Jack Pyke as well as the award winning Crispi Stegg Boots.
A Review of the Crispi Stegg Boots is here :- http://gunmart.net/accessories_review/crispi_stegg_boots/
Update 28 September
Tuesday 21 September saw levels open at 1 foot 6 inches and peaty a few fish came off but all in all it was poor. Wednesday saw levels drop down to 10 inches and again a few fish were caught and by now most beats were on a score of around 8 which was very poor compared to last week. We woke to heavy rain on Thursday morning and despite levels opening at around 8 inches at seven o'clock by 8 o'clock we were up to two feet. This just kept going and eventually it topped out at around thirteen feet above normal. This then fell back to 7 feet on Friday and still unfishable. Most people packed up and went home but Saturday saw levels at nearly four feet and Turriff Anglers got spinning and landed four fish all between 10 and 12 lb.
Obviously this huge rise in water has had an effect on the river again. Some bank damage has occurred but nothing major - that I have seen or heard of yet. However the river bed has altered significantly in places and once again some beats have won whilst others have lost. Some pools have deepened and others shingled up.
Monday saw levels at 1 foot 11 Inches and a reasonable number of fish came off the river with a few in the mid teens in weight. Today sees levels at 1 foot 6 Inches and fairly clear although fish catches are limited despite them showing in the pools. Forecast is for more heavy rain tomorrow and even heavier on Friday. We hope it is not as predicted or we could be in trouble with another record breaking spate come the weekend.
I have some Oracle IV rods going at stupid prices to clear. They are 12' £48, 13' £50, 14' £53, 15' £56 I have a limited stock so phone quickly for a bargain. They can be courier delivered at cost.
Update 20 September 2010.
Thursday 16 September saw levels at 2 feet three inches and dirty with heavy rain showers all day. A few fish were caught but not many. MR. Andrew Harman caught his first ever salmon. A sea-liced fish of 7 lb. off Turriff Angling Association. Friday was better. Levels were at one foot nine inches and very peaty. The weather was terrible with severe gales and bitterly cold. However most beats landed at least five, with many individual anglers getting five or six to their own rods. Saturday saw levels at one foot and again a great day. The Meikle Party were blank up until Thursday then had ten on Friday to 13lb and seven on Saturday- all sea-liced. In Contrast the beat below saw J Brock land seven to his own rod on Monday and more during the week whilst Friday and Saturday saw these fresh running fish drop off the hook with him alone loosing eight over the last two days. I managed three to 11lb on the fly in the gale on Friday fro my two hours and another 7lb fish on the Saturday. Avochie had a "stonking " week with fish every day. Mr. P King in his mid eighties fishing Lower Netherdale played a fish for over half an hour before landing it. It was witnessed by the keeper and others - measured and returned - estimated weight 30 lb. Also fishing Saturday was Mr. I Cruickshank - ninety one years of age who landed a 5lb grilse and an eleven pound fish off the Garden pool at Carnousie. Both anglers and their families were over the moon.
Today we have had rising levels through the day from one foot to just over two feet and it has gone very dirty. However some beats have all managed sea-liced fish all around the 5-7 lb mark before it got too dirty. Despite this persistent rises in water which is subduing catches in some beats over the weeks it is really encouraging to see so many fish in the river- it is really stuffed with fish running headlong for the headwaters. If levels were lower and the fish taking their time I am sure we would be having a record breaking year. As it is they are getting through most beats quickly and the river should enjoy good numbers of fish on the redds.
Mr. Cruickshank Snr.
Update 15 September 2010
Wednesday saw levels up to one foot three inches but it ran clear . A few fish came off including two to G Barron off Turriff at 4 and 14 lb.. By Thursday it was down to one foot but had turned peaty. Friday saw plus five inches and Saturday plus two inches. Most beats had a few fish with R Anthony and D Jarred landing 15 for the week with best fish at 12 and 15.5 lb. This week has opened on Monday 13 with levels at plus two inches and a few sea-liced fish came off Turriff and I Masson had a 15lb fish above Turriff. Rain overnight raised levels to plus six inches on Tuesday and gales made fishing difficult. Wednesday saw torrential rain in the early hours of the morning and although just at plus five inches in Turriff at 8am the level had jumped to one foot six inches by lunchtime. This held steady until 4pm when it jumped to two and a half feet and by 7pm it is nearer the three foot mark and very muddy.
A first fish for Mrs. Lisa Mackenzie
Update 7 September 2010
Monday 30 August saw levels open at two feet and they were very black. This fell away to plus nine inches by Tuesday and it continued to fine down to plus two inches by Saturday.. It was a week of two halves. The first part saw large numbers of grilse running and many beats did really well. One beat spinning and using fly was up to 30 by Wednesday and finished up with just over 40 for the week. Although even larger amounts of fish came off the tides each morning on Wednesday and Thursday catches slowed right up and the second half of the week saw things go right off the boil. The Wilson Party at Dunlugas did well with 16 to 12lb and Chris and Geoff Horrell landed 18 fish on fly at Kinnairdy to 14lb for their week. This week has opened at Normal level but gale force winds Monday and today have made fly fishing near impossible. We have also had heavy rain today and levels will be up on Wednesday.
Three rods have become available at Forglen next week- if interested give me a call. There may be two the week after but not confirmed yet .
Update 29 August 2010
Thursday was an excellent day. With levels down to plus 11 inches many beats recorded great numbers of grilse with a few salmon. Dunlugas, Forglen , Turriff, Upper Netherdale and Carnousie all Caught numbers of fish and Euchrie had three to 20ln - making eleven in two days to one angler and just up river I heard of a 21lb fish coming off. Friday saw levels at plus seven inches and again most beats caught a few fish. By Saturday levels had risen overnight and by dawn were falling back and standing at plus 6 inches. The water continued to be very dark- almost black and small flies did best. Today Sunday we had heavy rain and Northerly winds this morning so levels may be up slightly for Monday.
I have a cancellation at the Wrack for three rods w/c 3 October - it will be for the whole beat (it usually fishes 6 ) and is only available this year so no repeat bookings.
Please give me a call if for more information if interested.
Update 26 August 2010
Monday 16 August saw levels open at plus 5 inches .Most beats reported some fish .Levels were up to plus 7 inches by Wednesday and D Burgess returned a 15lb fish at Dunlugas. The colour came back in the water as levels fell to plus two inches by Friday. Eden had a good week as did Mountblairy and R Wood fishing at Dunlugas returned a fish at 17 lb off the lower beat .By Monday 23 August we were at Normal and fairly clear. The river was reported to be bouncing with fish and many were landed and even more lost. We hoped that the grilse had arrived at long last but the weather forecast dampened hopes. Heavy rain overnight on Monday saw levels at 11 inches at 8am on Tuesday and dirty. By 2pm this was at two feet three inches. Despite the dirt Avochie - higher up recorded five for the day to 15lb. Very heavy showers overnight into Wednesday kept levels at two feet and although the dirt had gone the river was black with peat stain. Most beats did well where spinning was allowed and I managed a brown trout , Rainbow Trout , sea-trout and a sea liced 11 lb fish for my Wednesday afternoon. With levels down to 11 inches today things are better but still black. Upper Netherdale and Carnousie reported eight fish all around the 6-7 pound mark by 2pm on fly and spinner so the fish are still running the river. Lower beats will again be looking for the river to drop to hold some fish back for them but I would think upper beats are more than pleased with current levels.
Update 16 August 2010
Let me just catch up on w/c 26 July at Avochie. The Wilson party had their best week ever at Avochie- with 12 Grilse and 7 sea-trout. Young Max aged six- pestered his dad all morning to have a go and he was set up with a seven foot trout rod and a klinkhammer dry fly to try and catch a trout at lunch time- he hooked and after 15 mins landed a sea-trout of 4lb.
Well done to him, another one hooked for life.
Week of 2 August was very poor . Levels hovered around plus two and were very heavily peat stained. The fish hate this acidic water and it puts most of them down. Eden managed around eleven and Forglen 10 . All a mix of sea-trout and grilse- some very small at 2 lb.
Monday 9 August opened with levels at Normal and fairly clear. Eden picked away with three grilse to 4lb and Upper Netherdale and Carnousie landed a sea-liced 10lb fish.
Thunder storms in the early evening saw levels open on Tuesday at plus five inches and rising. A few beats reported some small grilse but not many. Wednesday saw levels at plus seven inches and rising and with Heavy rain all day they were at one foot six inches by 3pm two feet three inches by 8pm and by 9pm they had risen sharply to four and a half feet. Thursday was a wash out at four feet and very muddy. Turriff managed two sea-trout one at 3.5lb to visitor Mr. Ireland and a small 6lb salmon. By Friday it was very black and running at two feet.
We then saw a river of two halves. On Friday the lower river from the bottom of Carnousie to Banff hardly saw a fish as was the case early in the week let alone hook up with one. I do not think numbers reached double figures for salmon and grilse and it was the same for sea-trout. However from Carnousie up to Huntly it was a vastly different story. Marnoch Lodge landed in total 17 fish to 14lb , most covered in sea-lice, Euchrie had five to one rod, Bognie had 5 in one hour to 15 lb sea-liced again to one rod . Mr. Gill landed a 14 lb fish and Lower Netherdale, Laithers and Upper Netherdale and Carnousie all had an excellent day. By Saturday levels were at one foot and peaty and the upper beats continued to do well. Upper Netherdale and Carnousie had 14 to 14 lb, Marnoch Lodge had 5 to 12lb sea-liced and Avochie landed 6 sea-trout and 4 salmon to 14lb.
This week opened with levels at Plus five inches and a tinge of colour. Upper beats reported a run of grilse around 10 am and many were lost and landed. With the lower water lets hope the fish hold back and the lower beats can get a chance at a few fish.
Six year old Max Wilson with his 4lb sea-trout. Picture with permission of
his father.
Update 3 August 2010.
Levels opened at normal on Monday. Dunlugas reported two grilse and an 11lb salmon whilst Scatterty and Mountblairy reported grilse. Tuesday saw Upper Netherdale and Carnousie land a sea-liced 10 lb fish and several grilse, as well as lose as many. Wednesday was quiet but Thursday saw levels up to plus six inches and dirty. Turriff saw some sea-trout and grilse, F Watt landed two salmon to 9lb at Upper Netherdale and R Henderson had seven to 11lb in two hours at Marnoch Lodge. The Wilson Party had a tremendous time at Avochie - more details later. This week has seen Monday kick off with Levels very dark and up at one foot four inches on the stick. Lower beats are all catching a few grilse and Mountblairy report a 15 lb salmon and Marnoch Lodge a couple of sea-trout. Levels have dropped back today - Tuesday to just under six inches . It is still very peaty but most beats are seeing a few fish if not connecting with them.
Update 25 July 2010.
Monday morning saw levels open at minus two inches with a slight peaty tinge to it. Dunlugas and Turriff reported sea-trout and A Watt reported a 9lb salmon off Bognie. By Tuesday we were around -3 inches and it had cleared out. Very heavy rain started in the early hours of Wednesday morning and by 8am the river stood at plus one inch. The heavy rain continued all day until 5pm and the river went up quickly. This was captured by the cameras and the three on the river took nearly a thousand hits during the day. Levels eventually peaked out by about 8pm where they reached nearly six feet above normal. Thursday saw levels down at four and a half feet and very dirty. This fell to two and a half feet by 5pm. Turriff reported a few sea-trout on worm and a Finnish Visitor took a sea-trout on the fly. Friday saw levels at +14 inches and a few fish put in an appearance. Dunlugas reported 8 for the morning . Two salmon at 10lb, two sea-trout and 4 grilse all around 4-5 lb. Forglen reported sea-liced salmon and a 20lb fish was reported on fly from a beat above Marnoch. Saturday saw levels open at +5 inches and Turriff saw grilse and sea-trout whilst Forglen reported at least 4 salmon to 11lb.
Let us hope that this last spate heralds the start of the grilse run and that we have a reasonable run like the other northern rivers. Our next casting club will be on the 8th August due to the Turriff Show. Come and say hello if attending the show as we will be in the Shopping Marquee. We will not have much fishing tackle on display but will be more shooting orientated with Beretta , Sako and Cz Rifles on show along with our usual air rifles, with a deal of .22 air Rifle ,Scope and Pellets all for £50.
Update 18 July 2010.
The week of the 5 July remained bright and hot with low water conditions. A few fish were taken between 10pm and midnight but for the serious angler fish were to be had between 2am and 8am depending on how bright it was in those last few hours. The Glover Party landed 4 sea-trout and a grilse for their week and Turriff Anglers picked away around 4-5am each morning. By Monday 12 July we were still around 20 degrees c and levels very low around -8 inches. Some heavy showers in the upper catchment put one inch on levels on the Tuesday and Forglen and Avochie saw a few sea-trout and a fresh salmon. Wednesday was a duller day and a few salmon were reported from lower beats. With Torrential rain overnight on Wed/Thurs we opened with the river running at + 5 inches and rising. This reached around one foot seven inches at Turriff. By Friday we were at +7 inches but still dirty. It began to clear a bit by evening and Dunlugas reported a sea-trout and Upper Netherdale a Grilse to D Burgess. Saturday saw levels at +2 but very peaty. Not much was seen of fish but Upper Netherdale reported 4 grilse to 5lb with another four lost including a fish lost at the net of about 10 lb.
Hopefully we will get a few grilse and summer salmon off the back of this rise in levels when the sediment clears out. We have daily tickets this week at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie and still a few weeks available in August at Ferry Cottage. Our next casting club date has been put back a week for the Turriff Show and will now take place on Sunday 8 August.
Update 5 July 2010
Despite Low water conditions of around - 6 inches a few fish continue to be caught. Dunlugas and Mountblairy picked away with around eight fish per beat for only two anglers and a few daily tickets . Beats above Turriff saw a few sea-trout and the odd grilse. Further up river a reasonable week was had by fishers if they fished between 2am and 6 am in the morning with sea-trout but with the odd salmon and grilse in the tally. We missed most of the rain on Sunday and levels remain unchanged today although the river temperature has fallen to 13 degrees from 16 earlier in the week. Fish are being seen during the day but in bright conditions not many are being hooked. Daily tickets are available at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie this week.
Sunday saw the first of our casting club days. Despite the light rain and gale force winds a few hardy souls turned up. Left hand up tuition was the main ask and it was duly given. Single handed Spey casting was next and despite a few anglers saying they could not do it - the new "i " line from Rio had them master it in a few casts. Then it was under the wind casting - ideal to deal with the day we had and finally Skagit casting on single handed 7 weight rods.( The Skagit short Line is not available in general sale in the UK but available to special order.) Hopefully the next day will have better weather and we can have a go with the 5 weights for a distance competition.
Update 28 June 2010
Levels are dropping away fast and with the dry and now hot weather levels are around minus 6 inches although some gauges have not moved as levels drop in every pool apart from the one they are in. Last Monday saw S Bremner land a sea-trout over 4 lb at Dunlugas and he also managed a 9lb salmon on the Friday. A grilse was landed at Forglen , Turriff landed a sea-trout and B Arnold managed a 9lb salmon at Dunlugas. Tuesday saw R Partridge land a salmon at 11lb above Turriff and Laithers landed a sea-liced salmon on Thursday. By Friday Eden reported seven sea-trout and 3 salmon, Turriff had another sea-trout and the Handel Party landed a sea-trout and a 19lb salmon from Upper Netherdale and Carnousie. Today sees the temperatures continue in the low twenties and the sun shine brightly. Water Temps are at 16 degrees and most beats report sea-trout and a salmon at 10lb above Turriff. Most are coming off early from 4-6 am. We could do with a little rain but no real forecast for this as far away as 15 days hence. Day lets at Mountblairy and Dunlugas are available this week as well as for Avochie up river.
Update 22 June 2010
With Levels at plus two inches on Saturday further catches were reported. Upper Netherdale and Carnousie reported sea-trout while Avochie saw C McHardy land a salmon at 9lb and D Coull had 3 sea trout at 4 and 5 lb and Mr. Campbell had a 3.5 lb sea-trout all at Eden. With rain all day on Sunday levels were at plus 5 inches on Monday 14 June and went up slightly during the day by about an inch. Mountblairy reported three sea-trout and a coloured salmon of 12 lb Wrack reported sea-trout in numbers, Marnoch Lodge had sea-trout to 3.5 lb Eden saw two sea-trout to J Meikle and Laithers reported several sea-liced salmon and a few sea-trout. Avochie saw C Horrell land and return a salmon of about 15 lb. Levels had dropped by Tuesday to plus three and Turriff and Dunlugas continued to report sea-trout. This continued on Wednesday and Muiresk and Forglen reported sea-trout and Salmon. Thursday saw Upper Netherdale report 6 sea-trout so far and the McBride party at Forglen had landed 4 sea-trout and a salmon.. Friday saw L Stewart land two sea-trout to 4lb and an 8 lb salmon in half an hour at Mountblairy and as Saturday dawned we were very cool at only 10 degrees and a cold northerly wind. One middle beat reported only one salmon for the week and hardly saw anything whilst G Mickley on the next beat down reported 2 salmon at 6 and 12 lb and 17 sea-trout for his week with 2 over 6lb and 5 over 5lb. Great fishing . Levels have opened this week at just below normal and sea-trout to 4.5lb continue to be caught in reasonable numbers. Temperatures are creeping up to touch 20 degrees and the sun is shining today Tuesday. There are reports of a couple of grilse caught and also a reasonably large run of salmon in some lower beats this morning - lets hope the fishing continues to excel.
Casting Club
With the success of our open day every year- and obviously the pity that so many miss out if they cannot manage that day- with the help of G Loomis and their pro Guide David Burgess, who now lives locally we have managed to set up a casting club . This will involve Tuition in all Spey , shooting head and skagit casts and friendly casting competitions for accuracy etc with 5 wt trout rods. It will take place the first Sunday in every month at Turriff Angling Association from 9 until 12.30 pm. There is no fee and no pressure to come every Sunday. Just dip in and out when you can. This should allow all who miss out on the open day to come along and learn new skills and brush up on old ones. Obviously tackle will be provided but bring your own and see what a lesson can do for you and/or try new lines on your rod etc.
Update 12 June 2010
Levels reached plus three inches on Monday. Sea-trout continued to be the mainstay of catches with fish off Eden. D Shaw reported excellent catches off his hungry hills beat and said sea-trout numbers were like "the good old days". Upper Netherdale and Carnousie reported an 11 lb fish to M Colman. Tuesday saw levels at plus 2 and a little light rain. This turned heavier overnight but the high hills caught must have caught a monsoon. Levels at Turriff opened on Wednesday at 5 inches. This went up rapidly to two foot and it was like mud. By Thursday this was down to plus 9 . Sea-trout came to the spinner at Turriff and Carnousie while M Colman landed another 11 lb fish on fly at Upper Netherdale. With levels at plus 5 inches on Friday and a little less peaty Avochie saw an 8lb clean fish on a cascade to K Barron and a 10 lb fish to N Greenwood. Upper Netherdale reported two sea-trout and G Noble landed a 9lb sea-liced fish at Carnousie. Turriff and Dunlugas reported sea-trout caught and lost in numbers. Levels today Saturday are at plus two inches and clearing out . Other beats report plenty of sea-trout in the river and if levels remain steady and clear out we should have some excellent sport next week. I still have day lets and some by the week. Check out update 7 June and ring me if interested.
Update 7 June 2010
Levels tailed away back down to Normal level by Saturday June 5 and the clarity returned. There were not many salmon reported over the week but some at Avochie , Glennie and Laithers. 11 year old Tom Brew landed one of 6lb on fly at Carnousie. However sea-trout below Forglen were there in numbers and S Bremner reported three for his day at Eden , R Wood saw two at Eden as well and a 4 lb fish came off Dunlugas on Thursday whilst D Coull landed five for his evening on Friday. These are all being caught on small flies. Levels today Monday June 7 opened up an inch and a half above normal and have edged up another inch or so during the day.
It is a pity that, the year the sea-trout appear to make a comeback we have very little anglers out. This is compounded by empty beats and now I have some cancellations available as well. Eden has two rods w/c 14 June, Wrack has two rods 5-10 July and Montcoffer has two rods w/c 11 July. These are in addition to the rods listed under my last update on 1 June . If anyone is interested in these please ring me for more information. They are all in prime time for the sea-trout.
Finally a thank you to those who attended my open day on Saturday. It was great to see you all getting a go with all the kit and to see smiles on faces as anglers got instruction and casting improved as a result.
Update 1 June 2010
With levels at plus three and clear the river continued to produce fish. Brian Herbert had two at 6 and 8lb off Avochie on Wednesday. Lower Netherdale produced 3 salmon and 4 sea-trout up until Thursday am. Eden produced two sea-trout to G Alexander and J Nicholl at Scatterty landed three sea-trout and an 8 lb salmon. He followed that up on Friday with 4 sea-trout between 3 and 5.5 lb and Avochie produced a 6lb Salmon to R McDonald. Saturday saw Upper Netherdale report a salmon and a sea-trout and another sea-trout to G Noble. Avochie saw S Barron land two salmon at 7 and 11 lb whilst R Henderson landed two at 11 and 9 lb.
Torrential rain on Sunday morning saw the River turn like mud and peak at three feet above normal by lunchtime. By Monday it was running at one foot six inches above normal. Not many beats have reported salmon this week although Avochie pulled it out of the bag on Monday with four before lunch with two at 10lb one at 8lb and a cracking fish at 21 lb. Today Tuesday the river is very dark like treacle and very little has been seen.
Richie Miller our biologist reports that all of the surviving fish from the Hatchery collapse were planted out as fry over the last two weeks. We thank Mr. McWilliam at Forgue for helping us out with his trout farm.
The River has been fishing well and we seem to have a fair number of sea-trout around. There are still excellent weeks available through until August on some prime beats, Forglen has two rods w/c 21 June, Mountblairy has rods and cottages available until 3 July and Dunlugas has 4 rods and a cottage w/c 21 June. Eden will have day tickets until 14 June and Upper Netherdale and Carnousie have weeks available with average weekly returns of 17- 25 From June through to August. Avochie will have availability from next week.
If you are local please do not forget my open day on Saturday 5th June. It kicks off at 10 am by the Deveron Bridge in Turriff on the Angling Association water.
Jim Fearn from Rio lines and Vision Rods will be there with another (usually Willie Banks) and this year David Burges a pro guide from G Loomis will be there for you to have a play with the Stinger amongst others. Hopefully some of you can come along and get a few pointers on casting with either your own kit or any of the new stuff on show. The Angling Association have good facilities with a big fire and a toilet as well as tea and coffee on tap.
Update 26 May 2010.
Temperatures continued to rise nearing the weekend of the 21 May. Eden reported a fish of 8lb on Thursday and again the Wrack landed fish on Friday along with Mr. Metcalf at U/Netherdale and Carnousie and J Royles at Scatterty landed a 4 lb Sea-trout. As the temperature reached 22 degrees c on Friday, heavy thunder storms broke out. The Wrack again landed three sea-trout and a salmon to G Donald and G Noble. Saturday 22 May saw the high temps continue but the river was up to one foot above normal. Sea- trout were reported off Scatterty and Upper Netherdale. Monday 24 May saw R Breakell land two salmon at 8 and 13 lb along with a 4 lb sea-trout, Nigel Barron landed a 12 lb fish off the Castle Water Huntly and R McDonald landed a three pound sea-trout off Turriff Angling Association. Levels are now down to three above normal and temperatures have plummeted to highs of 10 Degrees and it has only been 4 degrees overnight. We had hail yesterday and frost forecast for tonight with snow on the high hills tomorrow !!. The river has a good head of fish in at the moment but we are lacking numbers of anglers to take advantage. There are still plenty of very good weeks available through the year. Check out the availability page or give me a call.
Do you own a blank firing pistol ? If you train or have trained dogs in the past you may well want to dig it out to see if it is an OLYMPIC 380. It will have this stamped on it somewhere. These are to become a section 5 firearm from June this year and will therefore be illegal to own. Please hand it in to your local Police station before the deadline.
Once again we will be holding our open day at the Turriff Angling Association on Saturday June 5th at 10 am. As usual we will have some casting instructors available to help you out and this year our local Loomis pro guide has agreed to take along a selection of Loomis kit for you to play with. It is an informal day and everybody usually gets at least half an hour with an instructor to help out with their casting . Come along and get skilled up.
Update 17 May 2010.
Last week turned out reasonable for catches. Ally Henderson landed three for his day at L/Netherdale out of the days total of 5, which bettered Mondays catch of 4. Montcoffer saw a fish of 9lb on Monday Whilst C Wieland returned two off a cascade on the Wrack of 8lb and 10 lb. D Burgess rook a sea-trout at Carnousie of 2 lb and Martin Grant and Walter Sim landed fish of 12 lb and 8 lb both sea-liced off the Wrack on Saturday. Mountblairy reports a fish of 15 lb late this pm. These lower beats are now beginning to hold some significant numbers of sea-trout which are crashing about the pools after 9pm. Hopefully this will be the start of a better season for them. The river is now back to just above normal and the weather is starting to warm up slowly. Indeed we are forecast temps of 18 degrees and more by this weekend. I still have three weekly rods on the Wrack w/c 24 May. With fish being caught every time an angler visits that beat it seems odd nobody has snapped it up yet! Also I still have weeks in May and into June/July at Mountblairy and Two rods at Forglen in June. These have got to be a winner with the fish we have around at the moment.
Update 11 May 2010
The weather remains cold and indeed we have had snow showers the last two days with a dusting lying on the ground first thing this morning. Water Temps have dropped from 10 degrees down to 7 degrees today. Fish continue to come off as levels hover around the plus six inches mark. We did see a rise of about two to three inches on Thursday and this had the river peaty by the weekend. N McHardy had his first salmon in two years at Marnoch Lodge on Tuesday and Mr. Kruger landed a 7lb fish at Conniecleugh on Friday and the next beat down river at Avochie saw Mr. Pearson land a 9lb fish. Saturday saw the Trodden party land a salmon at 10 lb and a sea-trout of 4.5 lb off the Wrack. Mr. Breakell landed a 7lb fish off a middle beat on Monday but the cold weather has kept the anglers away from the river. There are still plenty of day tickets available at present and this will remain the case until nearer the end of the month.
Scott Mackenzie DTX rods are newly in stock and Beretta shotguns are arriving slowly.
Update 4 May 2010.
Tuesday saw levels still at around 10 inches. A Maskell landed a 5 lb salmon from Avochie and Fish were also reported from Corniehaugh. Laithers, Lower Netherdale and a 4.5 lb brown trout from Euchries. Wednesday saw some more sea-trout come off and one at 4.5 lb from Turtory. Eden saw a salmon and a sea-trout on Thursday and F Myer Hansen a Norwegian visitor landed a 10 lb sea-liced fish from Carnousie and Scatterty produced a 6lb sea-liced fish to R McDonald and Turtory reported a salmon of 12 lb to Mr. Morison. We are down to around +6 inches on the stick this week and catches have slowed somewhat in the cold northerly winds but B Arnold returned a 6lb fish off Mountblairy today. Remember we have still availability in May and June on weekly lets with cottages and day lets.
Upper Netherdale and Carnousie has availability with the Magnificent Waterside Lodge sleeping up to 12 or the smaller Ferry Cottage sleeping up to 7 During July and August this year
Update 26 April 2010
Another decent week of weather, water levels and fish. Last Saturday saw A Duntire land a 10 lb fish off Dunlugas and D Reid take two sea-liced sea-trout off Scatterty. Monday 19 April saw levels open at 1' 2" and running clear. C Wyness landed a fish of 8lb and on Tuesday he landed one at 8lb and P Jackson also landed one at 8lb. They ended the week with five between them at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie. R Walker landed another springer at 6 lb sea-liced and a sea-trout at Mountblairy and Mr. Alexander landed a 3.5 lb sea-trout off Eden whilst D Reid landed a sea-liced salmon at 11lb off Laithers on Friday. Saturday saw The Harries Party land three salmon at 12lb and tow at 8lb along with a sea-trout. They also lost a large salmon. Whilst on the opposite bank at Dunlugas D Beedie landed three sea-trout. The weather continues mild and the river temperature has crept up to 47 degrees f today. There seems to be a good head of fish in and they are well spread out. Hopefully we can get a few more anglers out to take advantage of the conditions.
For those of you having trouble with twitter- the link was changed by Twitter and some people could not get on. This has been sorted out - however if you experience a problem in the future- you just type turrifftackle into the twitter search and you will find us- please note turrifftackle is all one word , no spaces etc.
Update 19 April 2010
The first full week of fishing - At last a week where levels dropped all week and anglers could fish. Mr. Gardner landed two salmon at Conniecleugh on the Saturday in two feet of water. By Monday 12 April levels stood at two feet and it was clearing out. K Barron landed a sea-liced fish of 12 lb at Avochie and Turtory reported two with three lost. Tuesday saw Sean Barron keep up with his brother with a 9lb sea-liced fish at Marnoch Lodge and Bill Moreland took an 8lb sea-liced fish off Turriff Angling Association. Nothing reported for Wednesday but with levels at one foot six inches on Thursday Sandy Shand caught his first ever spring fish a- 6lb sea-liced fish again off Avochie. The week was rounded off with a report of two more fish off Turtory and a 5 lb sea-liced fish to R Henderson off Marnoch Lodge on Saturday. Levels are down to one foot two inches today Monday 19 April and Gillies up and down the river report seeing plenty of fish in the river last week with many being lost. Hopefully despite a little snow this morning and colder temperatures it will not hamper the river levels and more anglers will venture out.
Turriff Tackle is now a dealer for Beretta, Tikka and Sako Rifles and Leupold and Steiner optics as well as Zeiss. Federal Ammunition should arrive this week to add to the Winchester and Remington ranges in stock already. Please visit http://www.gmk.co.uk/ for details of the full range available. Hopefully stocks can be built up over the coming months for the shooting season.
Also please keep an eye on the home page of this site for the commencement of web cameras. Yes folks we have two web cameras up and running on the river at Avochie and Marnoch Lodge with a third at Turriff Angling Association awaiting BT to get their act together and get us a phone line in . There will also be a virtual river level so as you can see how high the river is. The images change every 10 seconds and it is hoped to stream them live in the future.
Update 11 April 2010
Last week was a washout with levels peaking at 8 foot on Tuesday with melting snow. It dropped to three feet at the weekend but was still fairly cloudy. G Barron returned a 9lb fish on the fly off Avochie on Saturday . With very warm temps over the weekend levels today are down to below two feet and next week looks like the week to start your season.
Update 1 April 2010
Tuesday saw the catches continue. Mark Abel and Stuart Hunter both returned fish around 7lb at Forglen and Laithers reported a fish from Saturday and one lost at the net on Monday. Levels remained just around the 1 foot 5 inch mark and with temps around 6 degrees it was pleasant to be out. Thursday saw another fish reported mid river and another lost. However by the end of the week levels went up slightly and by the start of this week Monday 29 March levels reached one foot 11 inches . However Tuesday saw a howling gale and heavy rain and sleet. We woke up on Wednesday to up to two feet of snow depending on how high up you stay and it snowed all day with a gale force wind. Levels were 2 feet and dirty. Thursday saw levels at around 4 foot first thing and rising to nearly 7 feet by 5 pm. With all that snow in the hills we are fearing the worst for levels and the resulting damage that it will cause. Some rain is forecast for Saturday and very heavy rain and gales for Monday. It might be this time next week before we can get fishing again.
Keep up to date every day on my Twitter page with levels and catches.
Update 22 March 2010
Last week was a complete write off. The temperatures were up to 14 degrees and the snow melted quickly. All week the river ranged between three and five feet and fishing was out. However today looked more promising with levels fairly clear and standing at 2 foot 9 inches. Thankfully promising turned out to be an under statement and three fish came off the river. R Cowie landed one of 7 lb off Turriff Angling Association fairly early and then an other lucky angler up river landed fish of 10 lb and 11 lb sea-liced to make his day. Keep up to date with my twitter page through the week as all news is posted straight away. With tickets from £10 per day it is worth a day out.
Also if you are looking for any fishing check out the
letting availability which is updated regularly. The river may be number 5
for salmon catches in Scotland but a rod per week in high season will cost
no more than £430 and in some cases a lot less. check here:-
Letting Availability.
Update 15 March 2010
The river was fishable on Wednesday and Thursday only last week when levels reached 1' 8" and cleared out. By Friday they were back to 3-4 feet as the Bogie Catchment caught the thaw. Today Monday levels were running at about 5 foot first thing and by 5 pm running at 8 foot above normal after temperatures remained mild overnight and we had some heavy rain. Frost tonight might help it recede a little but more rain is forecast for the latter part of the week so things do not look promising. For those of you not taking advantage of my Twitter page - please have a look at the info and if you have any suggestions we will see if we can help out. There will also be a few deals on from time to time so keep logging in to check. There is a spinning outfit on at the moment. I also have a week available on the Wrack 24-29 May. I will offer it to last years client first but if interested give me a call.
Update 7 March 2010
Temperatures remained well below zero for the early part of the week with temperatures as low as -9 .By the end of the week things have been milder but as a result the snow is now melting and river levels reached around 3 feet at the end of the week. Perhaps with milder temperatures and a small rise in levels a few fish can be tempted out of the "warm" north sea.
I have a few cancellations for fishing and an updated list can be found on the availability page.
Please ring if interested as it has been e-mailed to those who had names down for it.
I also have a TWITTER PAGE where I will post the river conditions every day. We are a bit short of gauges on the river at the moment after the floods - so please cut me some slack if I do not get it on every day first thing as planned until we get repairs done and gauges back in operation.
Update 28 February 2010.
I can't believe it is ten days since I updated. The weather has not been kind to us fishers. If the weather is "fine" then levels have been to high and if the river is "fine" the weather has been bad. We have had more heavy snow and temperatures down to at least -10 degrees c at night. Garry Mickley fishing at Turtory on Friday February 19 th landed two spring fish for his day. He returned one of 9lb in the morning and then returned one of around 10 lb in the afternoon. Well done to him. With a further 15 inches of snow and eight foot drifts hitting the catchment mid week we are hoping that we do not get a rapid thaw. On top of the snow already there we will be in serious trouble again if it all comes down at once. As I write the forecast is for it to remain cold with more snow midweek and indeed we have had snow showers in Turriff today.
There are plenty of days available on the usual beats until mid May and Upper Netherdale and Carnousie is a new addition on daily lets as is Eden Beat. We also have some availability on very good weeks throughout the season so please check out the letting availability page. If you want to try out the river in the next few months why not make a holiday of it with the family. There is plenty of available
Accommodation in Scotland at this time of year at very reasonable prices and a trip could involve one or two days fishing on the Deveron whilst touring the country with the family.Slightly off Track of the fishing but I know lots of you shoot as well- we at Turriff Tackle are now stocking CCI, Federal , Remington and Sako ammunition in addition to our Winchester range. We also have Sako and Tika3 rifles along with Beretta shotguns arriving over the coming months. Our Clothing range will also be expanded to include Deerhunter clothing.
Update 18 February 2010
Levels have fluctuated with our variable weather. We had some fine days at the end of the week and over the weekend and the river went up slightly with some snow melt. Then a frost held it down followed by heavy sleet at lower levels but snow in the high catchment which gave us a small dirty rise. We are now back to frosts at - 6 degrees overnight. Indeed the Ryhnie to Dufftown road at the Cabrach was closed again this week. It seems as though it has been closed due to snow since mid December so at least will give us some snow melt later in the spring.
Our first fish was reported on Saturday at 12-14 lb off Laithers. The Lucky angler was M Gauld. No other reports of Springer's as yet.
I have plenty of Day tickets available until Mid May and have added Eden beat to the list. This has never been freely available before and can be a productive spring beat. I also have some dates in June and July available here on a weekly basis and the beat fishes 6 rods.
I also have availability at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie for weeks in June July and August. This beat fishes four rods and comes with the services of a gillie. If interested in any of the above or the other beats on the availability page give me a call.
Update 11 February 2010
Opening Day 2010.
The opening day ceremony was held for the first time at Turriff ,courtesy of the Turriff Angling Association. The day dawned cloudy but dry with temperatures around 3 degrees c and the river running at 1 foot 3 inches above normal at Turriff. With 83 people turning up along with 30 primary children from Market Hill School the place was full to bursting. It was great to see so many people turn up to enjoy the morning with the usual Dram supplied by the Sponsor Strathisla and the Angling Club laid on copious amounts of tea, coffee , sausage rolls and a warm fire for all in their fine hut.
Malcolm Hay, the River board chairman, got things under way with a welcome followed by some short informational pieces from The Deveron , Bogie and Isla Rivers Trust Staff. Pipe Major Billy Hepburn then led the crowd down to the river where Mike Stephen of Celebrations of Turriff blessed the river with Strathisla Whisky and opened the river with the first cast.
Free fishing was provided by the Angling club and many took advantage of it. Sharpe's Of Aberdeen provided a 13 foot rod for any lucky angler taking a springer from the water but only Kelts and a finnock were taken.
2009 turned out to be our second best year for Spring fish behind 2006. Not many Rivers can boast their best ever spring catches in the last ten years. Please remember that Sutherlands of Portsoy are kindly providing a side of smoked salmon to every angler who returns a spring fish again this year and a bottle of Strathisla Malt is still on offer for the first fish caught and released off the river.
The welcome and opening speeches at the Turriff Angling Association hut.
First cast by Mike Stephen of Celebrations of Turriff.
The gathered anglers watch the first cast of 2010.
Update 21 January 2010
Well after four weeks of winter we are all glad to see the back of it until next time. We had anything from 2 to 5 feet of snow over the catchment . The first of the snow came on the 18 December and despite the thaw we have still some lying around today.
I have two disasters to report as a direct result of the weather. Firstly the Hatchery. After digging a way in it was felt it needed some extra support for the weight of snow on the roof. This was done on the Thursday / Friday and despite this on Saturday morning it was found collapsed. Richie Miller our biologist put a team together and emergency action was taken to salvage as many eggs as they could. It is believed that around 50 % of the eggs were saved and transferred to a local fish farm for safe keeping.
Hatchery before collapse.
After collapse.
Obviously this will have to be rebuilt from scratch and to a higher spec and construction. I dread to think of the cost and the time to get planning. We have been waiting over two years for permission to put in a toilet block !!
Please remember the Deveron , Bogie and Isla River Trust is a charity and relies upon donations to keep it going. There are far worse disasters happening in the world at the moment but if you feel you would like to donate then please click the following link to make a donation.
Now the second disaster of sorts was the Thaw. We managed a couple of days slowly where about half the snow went. But Overnight Friday into Saturday morning we had about an inch of rain and the river went from about one foot to between twelve and fifteen feet by 3pm. This will have damaged the river bed and lots of the redds. Another hammer blow after the hatchery as the river will need all the help it can get with juvenile fish this year.
On the bright side they say colder winters are better for the fish at sea and for sand eel breeding. Hopefully we can get a decent run of sea- trout in June and July. Last years catch return was nearly double 2008.
Update 4 January 2010
I am now working on lettings for 2010. I know I have weeks at Mountblairy in June with a cottage and I will have some weeks at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie from June to September. Weeks will also be available here in March and April. Availability will be posted for say Dunlugas, Forglen, Muiresk, Avochie, Wrack, Turtory and others as I get them.
Please get in touch if you want to put your name down for anything anywhere.