River Information 2008
Information on river conditions, catches etc.
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Welcome to 2008
Salmon and Sea-trout season- 11 February 2008 to 31 October inclusive.
Brown trout season 15 March to 6 October Inclusive.
Once again welcome to another season.
Last year I put out a plea for more anglers to join the Trust. Once again I do it again. The Trust is carrying out valuable work not only on habitat improvement but also in highly technical work required to assist/combat/ enhance the multitude of bodies that are full of red tape and other threats to the catchments. As a result of Mr. Richard Miller joining the trust as our biologist we have been able to take part in the Moray Firth Sea- Trout project which is to look at our sea-trout decline and advise on measures to improve things.
The trust also runs the hatchery and after our horrific winter of high water the redds have really suffered and thousands of tonnes of gravel have moved on the river bed, the hatchery fish will go a little way to ensuring we have some fish to plant out.
Our voluntary code has also come under scrutiny. The Deveron used to have one of the best catch and release rates of any river in Scotland. It now lags behind and we are under some pressure to improve it. The return rate is around the 50% mark. Whilst I do not believe in 100% catch and release we need to be around 65-70% to be comparable with our neighbours the Spey, Don and Findhorn. The code is to be unchanged for 2008 - at one spring fish per day with a Max of three per week and then after June 2 per day but all hen fish to be returned after August 21. Sea-trout is to remain at two per day but only one above three pounds.
The PLEA is that the River Board would like to see 85 % of Spring salmon returned and the same for Sea-Trout.
If this is not met then the recommendation will be for only One spring fish per week to be retained and one sea-trout per day with none over 3 lb, for the 2009 season. To soften the blow the Trust is giving away smoked salmon for every Spring fish that can be verified as being returned.
As for overall catches 2007 saw well over 4000 salmon but only 600 sea-trout being caught. All be it the Salmon were crammed in from mid- August to mid October.
As for ourselves at Turriff Tackle we are now main dealers for All Vision and Rio products. We try to be as competitive as possible and offer excellent deals on Guideline rods as well as Loomis. We do a mail order service via telephone or through our web shop or can have your new tackle waiting for you to pick up upon arrival.
We look forward to seeing you in 2008.
End of season offers for Christmas 2008.
Redington RS3 14' # 8 4 Piece rod RRP 294.95 FOR £ 220
DAIWA ALLTMOR SPEY 14' # 8/10 4 Piece rod RRP £495 FOR £395 (This is not the Altmor "s")
Ian Gordon 6 Piece Travel Rod RRP £360 for £300
Wychwood Wildrun Salmon Reel inc spool RRP £194.98 for £ 100.
Guideline Reelmaster Salmon Reel RRP £97.99 FOR £60
Daiwa Alltmor "s" 15' 2 " RRP £495 for £250
There are only one of each - so be quick .
I am also one of only a few dealers in Scotland for the Pflueger Trion Salmon rods and lines which were designed by Ian Gordon before he went to Hardy.
There are some fantastic deals on kits with Trion reels and the new Trion salmon lines AS A PACKAGE.
Trion rods Trion reel to match Trion line(different head lengths to match the rod)
12' #7/8 £180
13' #8/9 £190 £95 £50
14' #9/10 £200
15' #10/11 £210
package offer
12' combo RRP £325 offer £230
13' combo RRP £335 offer £240
14' combo RRP £345 offer £250
15' combo RRP £355 offer £260
Update 21 December 2008
I have added new availability to the letting page for 2009.
Update 23 November 2008
The hatchery have now got the broodstock and the stripping of eggs has began. I will have more details to follow in December.
Update 2 November 2008
The last few days kicked off very cold indeed. Levels were + 3 inches and running clear. A few fish came off to 23 lb but most beats that were let struggled a bit. By Tuesday it was evident that the hills had lots of rain on Monday as we stood at 2 feet and very dirty. We were battered by strong northerly winds and heavy snow showers. Wednesday saw levels at 3 foot at 8am rising to around 4 foot by 5 pm. Again it was very dirty. Thursday saw levels at 2 feet and they dropped slowly all day. A few fish were taken including two to 15 lb off Turriff but the leaves made it nigh impossible to fish. Showers again overnight saw levels open at nearly three feet on the last day and it was dirty. A washout for the last week unfortunately but the fish will be able to make the burns for spawning.
I will post any updates on the hatchery electro fishing as I get them and will add a trust page over the coming months with some of the things they do, to keep you informed .
Our range of Rio products will be expanded as well as new cassette reels from Vision. We should also have in stock the new Trion rods and lines from Pflueger. We shall be busy tying new ranges of coneheads / templedogs over the winter along with all your old favorites for the new season and please do not forget us for mail order gifts for Christmas and the start of the new season. May I thank you for your business and support throughout the year and look forward to meeting you all again in 2009.
Update 27 October 2008
A week with fairly settled conditions as to water height and clarity but some days saw terrible gales and near impossible fishing conditions. However beats still managed a few fish and the better beats managed high teens and some of them were in high thirties. This is excellent for the conditions. The forecasted rain for Thursday and Saturday never arrived- it stayed dry and the river started the week at +5 inches and ended at +3 inches. Some fish cam off the Turriff Anglers on Monday to 14 lb and some sea-liced fish to 16lb came off some Lower Beats. This continued through the week with the clean fish not venturing very far up river. I landed five to 14 lb on Wednesday afternoon on a sliver stoat conehead and S Bremner landed three to 15lb on Friday at Mountblairy.
This week has started extremely cold with showers and snow is forecast to
lay on the ground tonight and tomorrow. We need a rise in levels to help
things but it may come too late for this season.
Update 19 October 2008
Monday 13 October opened at +9 inches. A fair number of fish came off with several between 20 and 24 lb. Tuesday saw fewer fish reported but beats plugged away steadily. By Wednesday with bright sunshine and clear water things began to slow up. Thursday saw a pick up in fortunes and the biggest fish reported came off above Turriff at 28 lb on fly. Levels finished the week at +4 inches and reports indicate that some beats did much better than others. Indeed beats opposite one another were often at opposite ends of the scale. We are really looking for a small rise in levels to re-invigorate the fish.
After the Deveron , Bogie And Isla Trusts AGM on Friday, when only six anglers turned up ( everyone else was a gillie or proprietor) I wonder what has to be done to get YOU the Deveron Angler- to part with £25 per year to join the Trust. The money goes towards habitat improvement , removal of obstacles to allow fish to get up tributaries as well as fund the Hatchery. Now if you do not agree with these aims - think about the destruction that has been wreaked on Irish rivers and also near Stirling where construction of wind farms are believed to have led to land slips resulting in the silting up and destruction of spawning beds as well as killing thousands of fish. The Trust electro fishes theses tributaries to record the fish populations which if the worst happens will be the evidence needed to fight for recovery - not only of these areas but of YOUR beloved river.
I would be glad to hear where your feelings are on this and what can be done to improve the numbers of members- currently only at 150. We have all had a fantastic season- while you are still smiling, join up. I do not want to preach on this - however I have now been elected as a Trustee of the Trust and you the angler now has a representative to speak on your behalf and put forward your point of view. If you need further information about the Trust or on Joining then please feel free to contact me.
Update 14 October 2008
Monday 6 October saw levels open at 1 foot above normal. Plenty of fish were reported and TAA took 9 to 25lb. Mountblairy took fish to 20 lb and reports came in of a fish weighing 16 kg being caught down river. As levels fell on Tuesday things slowed for some and by Wednesday things were up to 3 foot above normal and not very good. Thursday saw an improvement at 1.5 feet and again beats picked away with fish.
Turriff Angling Association ended the week with around 28 fish and I know of many other beats that surpassed that total and one gentleman actually landed 18 fish to his own rod for the week. With levels down this week things are a little slower but fish are still coming off steadily.
Just a reminder that The Deveron ,Bogie And Isla Trust AGM is this Friday at 6.30 pm at Buckley's.
Update 6 October 2008.
Levels opened on Monday 29 Sept at around normal level. This proved a bit low for beats up river but fish were still to be had. Euchrie and Kinnairdy managed a few to 15 lb . Tuesday saw a fish estimated from length measurements only - at 35lb come off a fly only beat below Turriff. The fight lasted 45 minutes on 12lb nylon and a 13 ft rod. It was safely returned but took 15 mins to revive. Scatterty had 5 to 15 lb all sea-liced by Tuesday but Wednesday saw heavy showers and it was bitterly cold. and the river began to rise pm. By Thursday we were at 1 foot 3 inches and very dirty as well as only 2 degrees and scrapping ice of our windscreens. Again Dunlugas managed a fish to 13lb and a 15lb fish came off Kinnairdy. By Friday we saw levels reach 5 foot and it was a washout. Some beats had a fantastic start to the week with records looking to be broken but the end of the week stopped things completely. However as always there are exceptions and with levels at 2 feet 6 inches and dropping to 2 foot on Saturday fish were taken on Turriff to 13 lb sea-liced and a fly only beat above Turriff managed four to 15 lb.
I would also like to report that Mr. Mickley fishing Turtory in August had a fantastic week with 20 fish for his week- most returned with two fish weighing in at 23.5 lb and one at 32 lb,- these were both returned. I am hoping to have a picture of these in the near future.
I also have some weeks available now for 2009 at Dunlugas during June , July, and August with accommodation. I will post them up in the letting section later but give me a call if you are interested in the meantime.
Update 28 September 2008
A mixed week fishing wise as the weather and levels settled down. Levels opened at +5 and were around normal level by the weekend. Many beats up river began to struggle a little with the lower water while the beats nearer the sea saw fish running past them. These fish are all holed up as they have not ran too far up river. Monday saw a good few fish taken off all lower and middle beats , many of them sea-liced. From beats below Marnoch Bridge to the sea, many large fish over 20 lb were taken and landed. One particular angler played a fish for 70 mins. The gathered crowd agreed it was a large fish but how big could not be established as it eventually broke free. The latter half of the week saw things become very slow and dour.
Weather forecast is for showers or longer spells of rain. This may liven the fish up a bit and the large numbers of fish sitting in deeper water down river have to move up. However the wind is to be in the North and very strong. This will not make for easy fishing.
Four rods and Ferry Cottage at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie w/c 5
October. Please call me if interested.
Update 22 September 2008
Well a bit of an up and down week for both levels and catches. Monday opened at +3 inches and most beats caught superb numbers of sea-liced fish with many 12lb fish taken. Tuesday saw levels up at +7 and as the water went up during the day some beats caught and lost a good number of fish. Levels opened at 1 foot 9 inches and very dark on Wednesday and the best fish I heard of was 22lb from a beat above Marnoch. By Thursday levels were at +9 inches and again most beats struck lucky. N Bartle had his first ever fish at 11 lb and ten minutes later he hooked and landed an 18 lb fish which he returned .Friday saw the river open at 1 foot 6 and rise all day to reach 2 foot 4 inches and very little fish were caught but Turriff Angling club managed one at 15lb. Saturday saw levels at 1 foot but extremely dark - although Turriff managed 7 to 14 lb.
The week saw some beats well into double figures despite the yo-yoing levels and some just watched the fish run hard through their beat and some poor anglers never saw a fish all week, despite beats up and below them getting fish.
The Rivers Trust AGM is being held in Turriff at Buckley's on 17 October at 6.30 pm. All are invited to attend whether a member or not. Our Biologist Mr. R Miller will be there along with the Biologist from the Moray Firth Sea-Trout project Mr. M Walters. If Local please come along and give your support.
Update 14 September 2008
A mixed week on the river. Levels opened at +3 inches went up to around +6 inches on Thursday and down to around Normal level by the weekend. Although there are plenty fish in the river and fish continue to run the further up river you are the more the mixed results. Some beats fished Monday and Tuesday without a fish and then had some luck mid week and others continued to struggle. Down river plenty of fresh, large fish began to take up residence in the deeper pools as levels dropped away. Turriff Angling Association kicked off the week with five fish to 20 lb. Upper Netherdale picked away on the week with fish to 18lb and many lower beats recorded fish to 16 lb by the weekend. It looks like we may be in for more of the same for the week to come.
Update 8 September 2008
And so it continues. Another great week on the river. Levels opened at
plus 5 inches above normal , this dropped to +2 inches on Wednesday and then
went up a little to +5 inches on Thursday, +8 inches and coloured on Friday
and back to +5 to end the week. Scatterty saw Glen Patterson take his first
ever salmon at 13lb and go on to take another two by Tuesday at 12 and 10
lb. R Henderson had one at 17 lb off Upper Netherdale and rounded his week
off with four to 8lb on the Saturday. B Arnold had five off Turriff Angling
club , 2x 4lb 7lb,12lb and a sea-liced fish at 14.5 lb. J Mann had six in a
few hours at Upper Netherdale and nearly all beats up and down were into
double figures for the week- some well into double figures. Again coneheads
do well -as big as an inch and Cascades as usual.
Late availability-- a possible 3 rods on Forglen w/c 14 Sept.- an owners
week-I am waiting for final confirmation- ring me if interested.
Update 1 September 2008.
Monday 25 August saw levels open the week at 1 foot above normal and very peaty. This dropped two inches on Tuesday am and only one inch a day the rest of the week. The colour dropped out by about Thursday and by then so did the fish. The first few days in the week saw a tremendous amount of fish run the river and most beats reported double figure catches for the week with some lucky ones having double figures per day. I cant really mention all catches but highlights in the week were- 16.5 to M Peacock, R MacDonald with two at 12 lb from Carnousie ,R Breakell with two in 10 mins on Saturday to 11 lb, R Henderson with over six to 12 lb and lost as many at Netherdale and Carnousie, I had fish at 11 and 13+ and lost 6 on Wednesday evening, G Wilson and party had 22 at Dunlugas best 20 lb and a lucky angler had 17 salmon and 10 grilse for his week at Mountblairy -most returned . The fish came readily to the fly and especially large coneheads fished deep. As mentioned by Thursday things slowed down and despite a two inch rise today Monday things are again very slow.
Late availability
A Cancellation has come in at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie. w/c 21 September at Ferry Cottage . Please ring for details- but you must take the lodge as well as the fishing.
Update 24 August 2008
Monday 18 August saw levels at normal and fairly clear. We expected things to pick up (if things could get any better) in clearer water. Fish would hold in pools rather than run straight through - but Monday was fairly slow. Upper Netherdale saw around a half dozen to 12 lb and some sea-liced. Levels remained the same on Tuesday morning and a grilse was reported off Turriff. The heavens opened for a few hours mid morning and the river leapt up to +6 inches by 7pm but by 8pm it had reached 3 feet. Wednesday saw levels of just over 2 feet and very dirty although some fish were reported. By Thursday we had levels at + 9 inches and fish came off Turriff Angling Club to L McTavish at 11lb and a grilse each to I Masson and H Phillip . By 11am we had torrential rain and this went on for over 12 hours. Those braving the rain in the afternoon were rewarded at Upper Netherdale with fish to 19lb, at Mountblairy with fish to 16 lb and a 17lb fish came off a lower beat. The river peaked overnight at around 6-7 feet and by morning it sat at 5 feet above normal. It dropped during the day to reach 4 foot by 7pm but it was very dirty and unfishable although R Breakell managed a fish from slacker water on an upper beat on the fly. Saturday morning opened at 2.5 feet above normal and Turriff Angling Club saw five fish to 13 lb before 9am but then only one at 9lb for the rest of the day. Most other beats picked away including the fly only beats with one below Turriff Landing one at 19.5lb.
All in all a hard week but still plenty of fish caught and even the fly only beats managed double figures. Levels tonight are at 1 foot 3 inches and still fairly black. With warmer weather and no real rain to speak of forecast we should hold a few fish in the pools as the water tails off- that is as long as we still have fish to come after three weeks of high water and large runs of fish.
Update 17 August 2008
Despite levels being coloured and up and down all week another excellent week catch wise. Levels opened on the Monday at 1' 9" and very dirty. Turriff Anglers had their outing to Avochie and fish were caught up and down the beat. The largest fish came in at around 9lb but many more were lost- the best of which was to me , a clean fish in mid teens. Lewis Stewart returned two sea-trout for the morning and returned to the Club water where he duly managed a fish of 17.5 lb . P Geddes managed three fish to 13.5 lb on the fly from below Turriff and ended his week with 10 all on a M Frodin fly. Tuesday saw levels at +6 inches and still dirty but Turriff again saw fish to 12 lb. By Wednesday levels were at + 5 and peaty. Many fish came off the middle beats with two at 19lb off one. Upper Netherdale saw at least 5 but by 10pm levels had risen back up to +10 inches. Thursday saw levels drop down to +6 but it was dirty again. Again most beats were picking up plenty of fish and a fly only beat above Turriff lost 11 for the day one of which was estimated at over 25lb covered in sea-lice. Friday saw levels open at +3 inches and clarity was rather good. This fined down to zero during the day and things for the fly only beats began to look up. R Breakell had two grilse. Turriff saw two visitors land a grilse each and loose one each, B Moreland landed an 8lb sea - liced fish and I managed a small fish on a fly only beat below Turriff. L Stewart was invited to Upper Netherdale and landed a fish at 16 lb. Saturday saw me on the river at 5.30 am and third cast saw a fish of around 13-14 lb returned. At 6am third cast in the second pool of the day yielded a very fresh fish of over 10 lb , then it was off to work. R Breakell returned another sea-liced fish of 5 lb and by the time I looked at the level the river had risen 9 inches. This during the day ran dirty and by evening it was unfishable . Lewis Stewart rounded off a memorable week with a sea-liced fish of 12 lb off the Turriff Angling Association at 9.30 am.
Levels today are at normal and clarity is very good. There are stacks of fish in the river and no great rain is expected but last week saw levels fluctuate with rain in the hills and none below Huntly so we will have to take it as it comes. However on the beat I was fishing below Turriff - a fly only beat twenty came off for the week so the fish can be had in high and dirty water with a fly. If things settle down so should the fish and the pools will retain fish rather than have them running through fast.
Update 10 August 2008
The Turriff Show came and with it as usual came the rain. Levels went from normal to +10 inches on Monday and a good few fish came off as the river was rising - as it was clear. Lower beats began to pick up a few in the teens of pounds as fish came off the tide. Tuesday saw an explosion of catches with levels at +5 inches and still clear. M Locke took two to 17lb and J Nichol three to 15 lb at Scatterty. Upper Netherdale took six and R Henderson had five in an hour in the evening, best 8 lb, again at Upper Netherdale. Wednesday saw the better beats start to kick in and many ended the day on double figures. The river began to get very black and the fly was hard going for some but coneheads and big tubes did the trick below Turriff. By Friday we were at 1 foot and very coloured but the fish kept coming off some beats whilst others struggled a bit. R Henderson took another fish at 12 lb off Upper Netherdale , K Barron managed a sea-trout at Carnousie and I took a 10lb+ fish there on Saturday evening.
Despite difficult conditions for some, most beats managed plenty of fish with many in double figures. In fact one beat had over 50 for the week so the fish were there to be caught.
Despite heavy rain on Saturday the river did not rise for today, but torrential rain early this am has resulted in a 10 inch rise by lunchtime and it is like chocolate. Heavy showers continue on and off so we will have to hope it clears for the week - although the forecast is rain all week. Fingers crossed there are still more fish to come.
Update 5 August 2008
Last week was best forgotten for most. Another hot week with bright sunshine. A few fish were caught but not many. Grilse continued to run but with water temperatures 66-68 degrees they refused to look at most offerings. We got a small rise of about 6 inches on the Saturday and a few fish were taken to keep most folk happy at the end of their week. An 18lb fish came off just below Turriff on the Saturday. This week has started off better- I wont spoil the report for the end of the week but we had a rise peaking at 10 inches on Monday- with little activity for two weeks I am sure you can imagine what is happening at the moment now that we have some fresh water.
Update 27 July 2008
With levels at +9 inches on Monday you would have thought we would do ok. The river was very peaty and by Wednesday we were down to +1 and the summer arrived. Blazing sunshine and temperatures around 27 degrees. Thursday saw things cloud up a bit and the edge come off the temperatures but all in all not weather for fishing. To be honest the fish are not there in any great numbers. The sea-trout have been a disaster and there have been a few grilse around but the main run has not arrived. Thankfully a few salmon are keeping us ticking over but numbers are not great. Two sea-liced grilse were taken off the Castle Beat on Friday so they are running straight up in the low water. Also surprising some is the number of fish being caught on coneheads and large tubes- even in the low water but successful beats are using nothing else.
I also have a rod for three days on The Thurso -14,15 and 16 August at a cost of £290. There is no accommodation - but I believe some basic self-contained rooms may be available at the Ulbster Arms. If interested give ma a call and I will put you in touch with the trip organiser.
Update 20 July 2008
The river opened on Monday am at 1 foot and dropping and was peaty in colour. Terry Burgess managed a 15 lb fish at Mountblairy and D Shaw took one at 10 lb off Scatterty. By Tuesday levels were at +6" and fish came off most beats if not in any great numbers. By Wednesday we saw levels at around +2" and a few sea-liced fish put in an appearance including one to me below Turriff . No change on Thursday and N Furye and D Mclean had one each at around 10lb off Euchries. By Friday we had a rise to +6" and the catches tailed away. The northerly wind on Saturday really did blow and it was near impossible to cast. Turriff Angling Club saw Visitor B White take three salmon and a sea-trout for his week , visitor G Barron land a 10lb sea-liced fish on Friday and L Stewart a sea-trout on Wednesday.
The summer is to arrive next week according to the forecast- lets hope the grilse come with it as the salmon are there but for beats to get double figures is hard work.
Update 13 July 2008
Levels opened for the week at or just below normal. Early risers at U/Netherdale saw three fish to 12 lb on the bank but many other beats struggled for numbers. There was heavy rain 4am -6am on Tuesday and some places saw torrential rain until mid morning. After nearly 40 hours of fishing I finally hooked and landed a sea-trout on the Tuesday on The Turriff Angling Association. Others have faired little better and it looks like this years run has been very poor indeed. Wednesday greeted us with One and a half foot on the stick and anglers asking where it all came from. The rain on Tuesday fell up in the catchment and it just took some time to fill the river. The afternoon saw me take a Brown Trout at nearly 4lb. Thursday saw levels down to +5 inches and a fair amount of fish were taken up river with many beats taking five or more for the day. Turriff again faired well for the lower beats and managed two sea-trout and a salmon at 8lb. It rained overnight and levels on Friday opened at 4 feet and it was a wash out. Saturday saw levels at two foot but it rained all morning and levels were back up to four foot and dirty by evening on Saturday. Turriff again managed a couple of salmon to 10 lb and a sea-trout. Today has been dry and bright and levels are running just below two foot but still very black. Let us hope it clears out quickly and it brings in the grilse to liven things up a bit as the sea-trout have been nearly non existent.
Update 6 July 2008
Levels have remained around normal or just below for the week. Catches have been on the slow side this week although the bright weather has not helped and by evening some nights have turned cold and blustery, which is not ideal for any sea-trout that are around. Monday saw J Lorimer take a sea-liced fish off Turriff Angling association- and he repeated the catch on Friday with an exact duplicate. The Castle Hotel Water produced two sea-liced grilse to G Slater and Tuesday saw D Coull fish 18 hours solid for a sea-trout, grilse and an 11 lb salmon with the loss of 5 other fish. Dunlugas yielded two salmon and Mountblairy recorded nine sea-trout for the evening. Turriff produced another Salmon to J Wilkie at 10 lb on Wednesday and U/Netherdale saw a few fish landed on Thursday. Our sea-trout continue to be poor in numbers although we continue to catch them to 9 lb- although many are now on the small side at 1-2lb. This continues to be a source of worry for the river and we must be thankful for the salmon at the moment.
Next week (w/c 7 July) I have rods at Dunlugas £50 per day. Wrack at £50 per day, Turtory at £30 per day, Cemetery Pool Marnoch at £15 per day , Euchries at £ 25 and Turriff Angling Association at £30 per day. Further ahead I have Lower Inverichnie for three rods on a weekly basis w/c 4 August and 22 September for three rods. Also W/c 28 September at Waterside Lodge U/Netherdale and Carnousie looks like it is available for 4 rods. This week yielded 32 fish in 2006 and 17 in 2007. Please give me a call on 01888 562428 if you are interested or e-mail me by clicking here on any of the above.
Update 29 June 2008
With half a months rainfall coming down on Sunday we were bracing ourselves for a river running about 6 feet on the Monday morning. It surprised us all at 2' 8 " but very black. A couple of sea-trout were caught but most anglers waited it out. By Tuesday it was + 10 inches but still very peaty although a 13 lb fish fell to R Breakell at U/Netherdale and Avochie managed a few to 10 lb. By Wednesday things cleared slightly and D Oliver had a 10 lb sea-liced fish at Forglen, A Crow landed an 18lb sea-liced fish at U/Netherdale Avochie had another four to 10 lb and Carnousie , Laithers, L/Netherdale, Dunlugas and most beats reported some action. By Thursday the river had risen again to + 10 inches and again turned heavily peat stained. For the most part this turned the fish off again although a few were caught. K Barron had two to 13 lb and D Coull had a 12 lb sea-liced fish all off Carnousie and Netherdale and J Walton had five to 10 lb and lost five off Mountblairy on Thursday. The sea-trout were a bit scarce with the high water this week and most beats below Turriff reported in about a half dozen each for the week. They have appeared later in recent seasons but unless we get an upturn this week and next it looks like our sea-trout are in desperate straights. Thank heaven we get a run of salmon now at this time of year to keep us all going.
I have two daily rods on Dunlugas for the next two weeks at £50 per day per rod if anyone is interested and there are two rods on Forglen this week and next on a weekly basis. I can also sort out some accommodation if interested. Further ahead there are still vacancies in August at Upper Netherdale and Carnousie in August for weeks returning on average 25 fish per week and a week for three rods at Lower Inverichnie 4 August
Update 24 June 2008
Levels opened last week at +9 inches and very peaty after rain in the catchment on Saturday . Levels faded away to about normal or just above by Saturday and the river fished very well. It was still very cold at night for sea-trout but they were there. The Turriff Angling Association (in the Trout and Salmon for July for sea-trout fishing) produced fish at 4 lb, 5.25 lb and a fish of 10.5lb amongst others for the week. It also yielded a 12 lb salmon to B Arnold and a 9lb fish to J Wilkie. Upper Netherdale, Bognie pool , Mountblairy , Kinnairdy, Forglen , Dunlugas and Euchrie all reported sea-trout and some beats were well into double figures for combined catches of sea-trout and salmon. Heavy rain on Sunday saw us expecting water of over 6 foot on Monday it really was so heavy. Thankfully it did not fall like that further west and levels although too dark to fish were only 2'8" on Monday . Today levels are at + 10 inches this morning and some fish and sea-trout are coming off- the highlight so far a 13lb fish to R Breakell at Upper Netherdale- returned. More rain is forecast for tonight and tomorrow so it may not be looking too great although there are plenty of fish in the system.
Mr Denholm with the 10.5lb Sea-trout.
Update 15 June 2008
A bitterly cold week with northerly winds and showers at the end of the week. With levels at normal level the weather made it feel like winter. Temperatures were around 9 degrees and the river was 7 degrees some mornings. I Masson kicked off the week with one lost at the net and the second 9lb sea-liced safely returned. Euchrie and Turriff reported sea-trout to 3 lb and Turriff Anglers also returned a salmon at around 7 lb . Lower beats also reported some sea trout. Tuesday saw Muiresk , Upper Netherdale and Montcoffer feature with salmon and Sea-trout. Wednesday saw a decent run of fish with J Mann landing two sea-liced fish up river and I had a grilse at just over 4 lb above Turriff. R Breakell returned a fish around 8lb off the Castle Hotel water on Thursday and Upper Netherdale and a beat above Turriff landed double figure numbers of fish and lost as many between them on Thursday and Friday. J Mann also returned a fish of around 15 lb on Friday. With heavy showers on Friday , levels were up to +5 inches on Saturday but still fairly clear. A few fish came off early doors on Saturday with M Watt returning three but it remained bitterly cold and showery all day.
There seems to be a good run of salmon coming off the tides and a few sea-trout are appearing. Our forecast is for more rain - just what we do not want for the sea-trout but a little heat would help and it looks likely to remain bitterly cold and windy all week.
Update 10 June 2008
Levels have dropped away to just under normal levels and finding fish is hard work and luck of the draw. Last week saw Avochie take nine for the week. Upper Netherdale reported four, G Small, S Smith, J McHardy and A Bruce had fish to 8lb at Montcoffer. Dunlugas reported a sea-trout and I Masson took two sea-liced fish at Muiresk early on Thursday morning. Turriff saw L McTavish land a 3lb sea-trout and G Dublonski reported a fish of around 16 lb at L/Inverichnie on Saturday. This week has kicked off with hot weather at 25 degrees on Monday but early risers have had fish. I Masson lost one at the net and then landed a 9lb fish again at Muiresk ,
Euchries reported a sea-trout and Turriff returned a sea-liced fish at about 7lb. Early reports today saw R McDonald take a sea-liced fish at 7lb off Muiresk. Other beats have seen the odd fish but nothing on the bank as yet. The weather is much cooler today with showers and it is to get colder as the week goes on with northerly winds. We just need the sea-trout to put in an appearance now in greater numbers.
Update 3 June 2008
Levels opened at +2 inches on Monday. Mountblairy produced a 12 lb fish and a sea-trout to R Walker and Tuesday saw three Salmon to 12 lb at U/Netherdale and Carnousie. Wednesday saw I Masson return an 8lb fish at Avochie and heavy rain Wednesday pm saw levels at +10 inches on Thursday but running clear early on at Turriff. S Ritchie and C Wyness Returned a 10lb and 17 lb fish at Mountblairy before the dirt appeared around mid day. Friday saw the river again very dirty but back at normal level. Lower and Upper Netherdale posted more fish on Saturday along with another sea-trout.
This week we are running at normal and a few sea-trout have put in an appearance lower down the river and at Dunlugas. Upper Netherdale report a couple of fish and Forglen and Dunlugas have lost sea-trout and a big fish this morning. It is raining heavily so we expect a rise overnight.
I have still some prime August Fishing at Netherdale and Carnousie available with the Accommodation which usually yields over 15 fish per week and now have 1 or 2 rods at Avochie w/c 20 October, this week has produced over 50 fish for the last two years.
Last week also saw the Turriff Burn get some fish from the hatchery for the first time. In all about 15 000 fry were released in the area to help future stocks. In all around 350 000 fry were in the hatchery and some will be kept as fed fry and released later in the season.
Fry from the tank ready for release. Releasing the fry.
Update 26 May 2008
The river has held up around the +4 to +5" mark for most of last week. The week kicked off with N Cowie's 10lb at Scatterty, I Stewart with one at 6lb at Mountblairy and myself with a sea-liced fish at 9lb on my second cast on a conehead. J Donald took one at 7lb off the Wrack and I Stewart managed another at 7lb off Mountblairy and one fell to B Parkin at Avochie after loosing one on Monday. Wednesday saw two to 10 lb at Upper Netherdale and I Stewart struck lucky again with one at 17lb off Mountblairy. F Watt had one at U/Netherdale on Thursday and R Adam took a cracking sea-liced fish from Forglen on Friday at 20 lb.
We continue to have dry weather and levels are around the normal mark as we open the new week. Already a 12 lb sea-liced fish and a 3lb sea-trout have come off Mountblairy today.
Update 18 May 2008
A slow week with cool easterly winds. Levels opened at 11 inches and dropped away to 5 inches by the weekend. Mountblairy and Upper Netherdale produced fish to 9 lb but in general it was very hard going.
However fish arrived off the high tides by Saturday and two sea-liced fish came off Forglen on Saturday to Gary Dewar and M Buchan. Lets hope some more arrive over the next few days.
Upper Netherdale and Carnousie still have some vacancies for the accommodation and fishing (they must be taken together.) Waterside lodge is available w/c 29 June , 3 August and 17 August, while Ferry Cottage is available 22 June, 27 July, 10 August and 31 August. If interested please be quick and give me a ring on 01888 562428.
Update 10 May 2008
Levels this week have opened at +12 inches and finished at +6 inches and they have ran clear all week.
Mr. Watt had a 7lb sea-liced fish on Monday and J Jack managed one at U / Netherdale. The second sea-trout came off Turriff at 4lb sea-liced and this was followed by a 16 lb fish on the Thursday. Also on Thursday Mrs. Collins took her first ever salmon- an 8lb fish at Avochie.The hot and sunny weather has not done us many favours this week but there are a few fish there and a few early sea-trout all add to the expectation. Next week is to remain dry but cooler. A few thundery showers this pm may affect levels over the weekend.
Upper Netherdale and Carnousie------- After a very long delay and confusion, this is now to be let on a weekly basis for 2008. Nearly everybody who provisionally booked a week will be offered it. At this late stage some have and others will back out. So if you had an interest there may be something now available from August to October.
Update 4 May 2008
Monday got off the week off to a cracking start with R Breakell taking a 7lb sea-liced fish off Upper Netherdale and D Coull a 12 lb fish at Carnousie. Bridge of Marnoch managed one at 12 lb again sea-liced and Laithers and Lower Netherdale also had fish. Heavy showers on Tuesday saw levels at over 2 feet on Wednesday and very muddy. Thursday opened the same but cleared slowly and an 18lb fish was reported up river. Levels were up again on Friday but Avochie managed an 8lb fish and Scatterty managed an 8lb fish on Saturday. Next week is to be mainly dry and a bit warmer so with levels tailing off we should see some more fish coming off.
Update 27 April 2008
The River opened at 1foot 6 inches on Monday and was running fairly clear. Upper Netherdale produced a 10 lb fish to D Coull , Marnoch Lodge took a 15 lb fish and R Breakell returned a lovely fish of around 17 lb . Tuesday saw some beats up river produce fish with as many lost while Avochie had a sea-liced fish at 6 lb and two at 9 and 12 lb came off Carnousie. Laithers , Netherdale and Bridge of Marnoch all had several fish on Wednesday and Mountblairy had a couple and lost as many on Thursday. Jim Fearn one of the casting instructors for my open day on Saturday struck lucky with a 9lb sea-liced fish at Forglen again on Thursday. Upper Netherdale saved the best of the season so far until Friday with D Coull taking a fish at 7 lb and then an absolute cracker of a sea-liced fish at 25lb. With levels now settled at around 10 inches conditions could not be better. There are plenty of fish in the system but with heavy rain forecast for tonight (Sunday) and heavy showers all week lets hope we are not washed off this coming week.-- I still have some cracking weeks at Forglen and Muiresk available as well as other places. I also have some people not to sure about confirming weeks so give me a call if you are looking for something.
Update 20 April 2008
Levels opened at nearly four feet on Monday but were relatively clear. Reports of two more fish from Avochie and Conniecleugh came through from the weekend. Levels dropped and steadied around two feet for the rest of the week and fish came off by the weekend. T Lawson had the first fish off Upper Netherdale and Carnousie at 15 lb sea-liced, Laithers had another fish and D Plumpton returned a 14 lb sea-liced fish off his Castle Hotel Water at Huntly. G Eyres then returned a fish around 8lb sea-liced and lost a double figure fish in the same pool at Forglen on Saturday. Warmer weather is forecast for next week so a few more anglers out may see a few more fish.
As reported last week an open day will be held at the Turriff Angling Association water by the Deveron Bridge on the Aberchirder road this coming Saturday the 26 April. Casting instructors in both Salmon and Trout fishing will be present throughout the day to give demonstrations and more importantly some tuition so please do come along and make the day worthwhile.
Update 12 April 2008
This week saw the river open at 3 feet and rising , Tuesday saw 4 feet , Wednesday 5 feet, Thursday 3 feet, Friday 3 feet and Rising and Saturday 4 feet. It was very dirty most days and indeed after heavy rain Tuesday night we woke to three inches of Snow on Wednesday. R Seed managed a small fish off Turtory on Thursday and reports from the tail end of last week saw a lower beat take two sea-liced fish at 8 and 16 Lb Laithers had two , Forglen lost a sea-liced fish at the net and The Smith Party at Mountblairy had four on Friday- the best 14 lb sea-liced and R Fraser had an 8lb fish at Avochie. So the fish are there and we need the water to settle a bit so as we can get at them.
With help from the Turriff Angling Association I am having an open day on their water on Saturday 26 April with Guideflyfishing. There will be a couple of Angling Instructors to show all Vision and Rio products and help you with your casting problems. - More info to follow later.
Update 6 April 2008
The river has been a wee bit out of sorts this week- it has been up and down and coloured some days. The snow of last weekend melted early week and as temperatures went up the water did the same and stayed up. It dipped on Wednesday only for some showers to put it up again - although it dropped a foot overnight by the end of the week. It has been blustery but two fish came off Laithers on Thursday and a double figure sea-liced fish was lost at the net at Forglen on Friday. The snow has returned this weekend and we have a covering this morning .More snow showers forecast for the early part of the week so I suspect it will keep anglers at home until it improves.
Update 29 March 2008
Snow on the ground early part of the week kept people indoors and levels ran at 1' 6" above normal. As levels dropped to 1 foot I Masson landed his third fish of the season at Avochie. A fish of 12 lb. Mountblairy produced a fish to N Furye at 9lb and 4 others came off a lower beat and were all returned. Heavy rain on Friday saw the river rising and with a thaw setting in by Saturday we were running at nearly 3 feet and looking very dirty.
Hopefully if things settle down we should get a few more wish next week.
Update 22 March 2008
The weather has been unkind to anglers in the last few weeks. Heavy rain saw levels rise to nearly three feet on 11 March and after falling to +6 inches on 19 March heavy rain/sleet and snow have seen levels up to 5 feet on March 21 dropping to 2 feet today. The wind has been very strong in the time as well and bitterly cold. Two more fish came off a lower beat over a week ago so the total now stands at 10. There has been twice as many anglers out as usual for this time of year. So lets hope winter is now past and we can encounter a few more fish in the beginning of April.
Update 6 March
Settled conditions for the most part have seen the river remain steady . We did reach 3 ft the other Saturday and heavy rain on Wednesday night of this week sees the river at 3 ft tonight. There have been plenty of kelts around with some anglers picking up 9 or 10 for the day. There are a few unconfirmed reports of clean fish last week but a fresh 7lb fish was returned at Avochie on Wednesday by I Masson, caught on a pot bellied pig fly.
Update 25 February 2008
The river continues to run around plus 9 inches although the air temperatures are all over the place. Thursday saw 15 degrees c and Friday saw snow showers and back to 12 degrees on Saturday. Two fish were caught around 7and 9lb off a lower beat during the week and young Mark Ritchie caught his first ever salmon on the fly off Forglen on Saturday at 14lb 4 oz.
Update 20 February 2008
The weather has been too kind and the river has held steady at around plus six inches for about a week now. The numbers of anglers out has been the highest for many a year but the springers remain elusive. There was a fish lost at the net last Tuesday covered in sea-lice at Lower Inverichnie and another fish estimated at 12 lb lost at Avochie on Saturday.
Ian Masson presented with the Whisky for the first Fish and the smoked salmon for its return by Deveron, Bogie and Isla Trusts Robin Vasey.
Update 11 February 2008
The day dawned bright and crisp inland but there was fog towards the coast. For the first time the Deveron had an opening ceremony at Huntly Castle sponsored by Pernod Ricard, where River Board Chairman Malcolm Hay introduced Professor David McKay who gave a short speech to the substantial crowd on the importance of keeping GS out of Scotland and the New Moray Firth Sea-trout Programme aimed at restoring sea-trout numbers from Sutherland to the Deveron. He then gave a toast to the river before blessing it and Mr. Hay had the first cast to the skirl of the pipes.
D McKay toasts the River
Malcolm Hay has the first cast.
The river ran at one foot above normal and was crystal clear. After an early white frost the water temperature was around 3 degrees, the sun shone and air temperatures reached around 10 degrees. Plenty kelts were in evidence and a few were taken up and down the river.
However we had to wait until 3.30 pm for I believe the first fish to be landed. A lovely fish of around 9lb was landed and returned at Avochie by lucky angler Ian Masson. His first ever opening day fish. Close behind at 4.30 pm came George Anderson with a fish of around 12 lb netted by his fishing partner R Ewen at Forglen.
With the Dee having a cracking start with big fish lets hope two on opening day is a sign of things to come for the season.