Information on Euchries
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Eucheries - Online Booking
Euchries beat is a two rod stretch of water at the Bridge of Marnoch. It is very rocky in places but has relatively easy access for the most part and holds fish in the deeper pools. It is an excellent trout fishing stretch.
The Post Office pool and Euchries
These pools are at the top of the beat and run into each other to make a long pool on a sweeping bend. At the top it is fast and runs very deep either side of the rush.
Fish can be found here in all conditions but it can be difficult to tempt them. Fish the pool all the way down to the two stones at the corner where the water shallows up.
Bathing pool
A good pool for trout including sea-trout.
This stretch can be very productive if you can negotiate the rocks and wade out so as you have the fly fishing nearly on the dangle in the deep run at the far side.
A slow deep pool but with a flow in places. Can hold fish in higher water conditions.
Very rocky but full of trout.
Marnoch Bridge
Good pools in and after high water. Below the bridge down to the island is as good as any for spinning in higher water with most fish lying on the opposite bank level with Marnoch Lodge.
Although a short beat it needs water to fish well but if you can become intimate with the beat it does reveal its secrets and fish can be had when other more illustrious beats are blanking.