castle water Huntly
Information on Castle Water Huntly
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Castle Water Huntly
Castle Water Huntly - Online Booking
The Castle Water below Huntly includes the meeting pot where the River Bogie joins the Deveron. Lower castle has 10 named pools all with easy access and well suited to fly. Upper Castle runs partially through a gorge with 11 named pools some deep and dark which hold fish well in lower water. Both beats regularly produce wild Brown Trout over 3lb, and many to dry fly.
The Castle water beat is made up of Upper and Lower beats where each beat
suits 2 rods and can be mostly fished from the left bank over its 2.2 miles
of mainly double bank. Lower Castle is well kept with easy access to
the pools which can be covered with a single spey cast from a 13’ double
handed rod. If the conditions are low or bright, then Upper Castle can
provide shade from the trees in the gorge and its deep holding pools ensures
a concentration of fish.
2014 saw 48 Sea Trout caught on Castle, but generally they are not targeted
and caught by the salmon angler. Sea trout are spectacularly acrobatic
and a hard fighting fish, and the easy access pools on Castle make them
accessible to night-time fishing when the Sea Trout fishing is arguably at
its best. Average size is about 3lb but fish to 8lb and above are not
Prolific insect hatches ensure the wild Brownies provide great alternative
sport and the wide variety of pools and water means there is plenty of
fishing choice.
Castle has been lightly fished over the years, but still yields a 10 year
average of 38 Salmon and 18 Sea Trout
For further beat details please visit