Information on Avochie
What's New:
Letting Updates
Lets now going up for 2015 season.
GS Declaration Form
Click on the above link to download the GS Anglers Declaration Form

Current News
Turriff Bridge Webcam
Webcam located at the Turriff bridge is now live. To view either click
,or click the 'Turriff Bridge' icon in the Webcam
Avochie - Online Booking
Avochie is situated at Rothiemay and has the River Isla joining the
Deveron at its Junction pool. It consists of 2.5 miles of mostly double bank
fishing. It has 23 named pools- far too many to give individual descriptions
of . It has many good rapids and streams in both necks and tails of pools.
This is a fantastic beat to fish once the fish are in residence. It is well kept and has easy wading and can be fished from the bank in many places. The beat can be cut in two with the lower half fishing better in low water and the top half in high water.. The beat takes 5 rods and is "classic" fly water .
It usually yields one of the first spring fish off the river and this can be followed with some of the most fantastic brown-trout fishing you could wish to find anywhere in April and May. The beat would be in my top three off the river and is really worth considering.
The pools are as follows.
Upper Table Rock, Table Rock, Otter Pool, Bridge Pool, Joiners Run , Joiners, Carpenters, Oakwoods, Weir Pot, Weir Pool, House Pool, Isla Run, The Glide, Junction, GreenBank, Island Pool, Long Pool, Boat Pool , Claverlands, Bend, Upper Bunkers, Middle Bunkers, Lower Bunkers and Bridge Run.
The beat has two Self catering cottages and can offer Avochie house fully staffed which sleeps 12 for a luxurious stay.
Avochie provides luxurious accommodation and as well as the fishing we
can provide clay pigeon shooting on the estate.
For further details of the House and what the estate has to offer please
visit www.avochie.com or to see
some video of the river and house visit