Information on Turtory
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Turtory is a two rod beat and has eight named pools and is an excellent spring beat for Salmon as well as Brown Trout .
In Summer it needs water to bring up fish but has some very deep slow pools where big fish hole up until the back end rains come.
The upper most pool on the beat. It has a good head of water down through the centre and fish can be found off this on both sides in higher water. In lower conditions you need to get over to them on the far side and to get down fast. The tail is good for trout and can be very productive for salmon in a spate.
The colonels
Upper Inchlyne
Taken with the next pool down (as they run into each other) Alice Wilson these are the most productive on the beat. It offers excellent fly water at the head as the river forces its way over the croys at the tail of the Colonels. This gives a lovely run where fish can be picked up all the way down the pool. As the pool runs down into Alice Wilson the fish lie on the far bank under the trees.
Looking down at Upper Inchlyne
Middle and Lower Inchlyne
these two pools are long and slow. The middle pool has some movement off a croy and you can intercept a fish off this in reasonable water levels. The lower pool is shaded by trees and lurking in its depths can be some very big salmon.
The boundary between The Manse and Lower Inchlyne
Manse Pool
The Manse pool runs on the far side of the Island and has a lovely stream at its head. Fish can be found either side of this at the tail. The lower part of the pool is good spinning Water.
Cemetery Run and Cemetery
So called as they run past the cemetery. These are two wide pools and are best spun but the cemetery has a glide at the bottom where fish can be covered and picked up with the fly.
The Hut at Turtory.
A cottage is available for let along with the fishing.