Information on Mountcoffer
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Turriff Bridge Webcam
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Montcoffer is the third beat in from the sea is double bank and consists of eight long pools in a mixture of fast and slow water.
New Pool
A short pool that just screams fish. It fishes best in high water and fish can be found from the middle to the far side of the pool.
Wires Pool
A longer pool that starts as it passes between two croys. This produces a fine flow and a long line cast to the far side will usually cover the fish.
Craig Pool
A slower pool with a deceptive flow through the centre. Fish in reality can be found anywhere. There are the obvious and consistent spots but the last few seasons have produced some fish from the more neglected spots.
Island pool
This can be fished from both banks. It is a fast water pool and the fish are usually close to the near bank and especially at the junction where the water returns to the main flow from behind the island.
Ash Pool
A long pool that is fast-ish at the top and gradually tails away to a slower flow . Most of the fish can be found along the far bank below the trees.
Probably the most productive pool on the beat and perhaps the whole river in very low water. Fish will run the Wrack beat and enter the Gorge. As they round the bend they enter the glide which is very deep at the far side. This then shallows up very sharply and narrows considerably. Fish become "trapped" and are unwilling to go over the shallows in low water.
The Gorge pool is exactly that - a gorge. There are man made platforms to fish off with steps to allow one to net fish. The gorge is reputed to be as deep from surface to bottom as the surface to the bridge; about 40 ft. It has very complicated under currents and there are underwater ledges which provide hiding spots for the fish.
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