HUGlu Shotguns
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Letting Updates
Lets now going up for 2013 season.
GS Declaration Form
Click on the above link to download the GS Anglers Declaration Form
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Turriff Bridge Webcam
Webcam located at the Turriff bridge is now live. To view either click
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Huglu Shotguns
Getting to Know Our Fine Shotguns
We invite everyone to compare Huglu's fit and finish to other brands. Take
note of the fine finish our figured Turkish walnut and the clarity and
beauty of the barrel and action. See the detailed hand engraving that is
standard on all Huglu firearms and. Now break down an over and under or side
by side and examine the workmanship. Notice how it is devoid of tooling
marks or rough edges and the finish work is complete. As you reassemble the
gun appreciate the marriage of wood and metal as they blend together
perfectly to produce a sleek silhouette.
Huglu's artisans have perfected the process of producing quality barrels,
which requires detailed technical knowledge and experience, for over 75
years. The crucial role of barrel length and balance requirements as well as
durability is well understood at Huglu. Standard chrome lining offers long
life while a variety of barrel lengths addresses all application
requirements. From the short skeet barrels to medium length for sport
shooting to the longer trap barrels, Huglu has the shotgun for you. All
barrels are tuned with a top rib for maximum performance with a (50/50)
point of impact on the
Sporting Models to the high (80/20) of the
Trap Models, Huglu has
the fit.
Huglu of course uses fine Turkish walnut, highly coveted everywhere, for
their guns. Stocks are offered in several configurations to suit both the
individual and the application from the straightness of the traditional
English style to the more modern rounded pistol grip to the
Trap Models with their
4-way adjustable comb and palm swell.